Visitor session parameters

Visitor session parameters provide data about events that occur during the session.

Note: These parameters are visible in the streams UI and are available for use in streams queries. Only session.visitor_id is visible in reports.

Active or closed

(Streams only) session.closed indicates whether the session is active (false) or closed (true).

Valid value true or false
Syntax session.closed={true|false}
Example session.closed=false

Duration limit

(Streams only) session.duration.limit indicates the maximum time, in milliseconds, for an active session until the session is closed.

Valid value Integer
Syntax session.duration.limit=limit_in_milliseconds
Example session.duration.limit=1440000


(Streams only) session.time_on_site indicates the duration, in seconds, of the session.

Valid value Integer
Syntax session.time_on_site=seconds
Example session.time_on_site=1570

Events received

(Streams only) session.event_count identifies the number of events received in the session.

Valid value Integer
Syntax session.event_count=number_of_events
Example session.event_count=14

New or returning visitor

(Streams only) session.returning_visitor indicates whether this is a new visitor (false) or a returning visitor (true).

The default is false unless one of the following is true:

  • The session contains wt.vt_f=1.
  • The session contains ((wt.vt_f_tlv or wt.vt_tlv) AND wt.vt_f_tlv) OR wt.vt_tlv is less than the session's start time.
Valid value true or false
Syntax session.returning_visitor={true|false}
Example session.returning_visitor=true

Pages viewed

(Streams only) session.page_view_count identifies the number of pages viewed in the session.

Valid value Integer
Syntax session.page_view_count=pages_viewed
Example session.page_view_count=12

Reason for closing

(Streams only) session.closed_reason indicates a reason for a closed session.

Valid value
  • duration_limit: Session was closed for reaching the maximum session length
  • inactivity_limit: Session was closed due to an idle timeout
Syntax session.closed_reason=reason
Example session.closed_reason=inactivity_limit

Session ID

(Streams only) session.session_id indicates the unique ID of the session.

If an event contains the wt.vt_sid parameter, session.session_id will use the part of the wt.vt_sid value after its last ., which is the Unix time in seconds since Jan. 1 1970 UTC.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax session.session_id=.Unix_time
Example session.session_id=1500408836

Start time

(Streams only) session.first_datetime_utc indicates the start time of the session.

Valid value Alphanumeric string of the date and time in UTC format
Syntax session.first_datetime_utc=yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ
Example session.first_datetime_utc=2017-08-22T20:48:28.000Z

Time inactive

(Streams only) session.time_inactive indicates the time, in milliseconds, since the last event from the visitor. This is only included in full_session messages and messages where session.closed=true.

Valid value Integer
Syntax session.time_inactive=milliseconds
Example session.time_inactive=30000

Time of most recent event

(Streams only) session.recent_datetime_utc indicates the time of the most recent or last event in the session.

Valid value Alphanumeric string of the date and time in UTC format
Syntax session.recent_datetime_utc=yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ
Example session.recent_datetime_utc=2017-08-22T20:48:28.000Z

Visitor ID

session.visitor_id provides the unique visitor ID. Its value is typically generated after the Oracle Infinity Tag collects the value of wt.co_f. It is visible in the Oracle Infinity UI as Visitor ID.

Image of account settings > parameters

The following logic provides the value for session.visitor_id:

  • If data.wt.co_f is present, use a hash of its value as the Visitor ID.
  • If data.wt.co_f is not present, use a hash of the user agent and IP address pair as the Visitor ID.
  • If data.wt.dcsvid is present, a hash of its value is used instead of the Visitor ID.
Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax session.visitor_id=session_visitor_ID
Example session.visitor_id=

First event block parameters

You can access all the parameters from the first event of the session. This is made available in the JSON output as the first{} block.

For example, the first event block is made available as first{} in a streams query syntax such as:

select * where'Google'

You can also leverage the first.* parameters in your streams lab queries.

Learn more

Full Parameter Reference


Date parameter

visitor session, session.visitor_id, session.closed, session.closed_reason, session.duration.limit, session.event_count, session.first_datetime_utc, session.page_view_count, session.recent_datetime_utc, session.returning_visitor, session.session_id, session.time_inactive, session.time_on_site