On-site search parameters

You can use on-site search parameters to collect data on your on-site search tool.

Onsite Search Phrase

wt.oss identifies a word or a phrase that visitors submit for an on-site search.

Valid value Alphanumeric strings
Syntax wt.oss=search_phrase
Example wt.oss=smartphone

Search success

wt.oss_r indicates whether an on-site search is successful by capturing the number of search results. If its value is 0, the user's search failed. It should be specified on the same hit as wt.oss.

Valid value 0 or any positive integer
Syntax wt.oss_r=number_of_search_results
Example wt.oss_r=321

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Full Parameter Reference

on-site search, wt.oss, wt.oss_r, custom report