Parameters Collected by Default

By default, the following parameters are collected by the Oracle Infinity Tag (automatic events). This list does not include data derived after this default data set is collected.

Parameters collected by default

Parameter Description
dcssip The domain visited, such as
dcsuri The portion of the URL after the domain, URI stem, such as /folder/page.html. indicates the web client’s browsing hour (local time of day on a 24-hour clock). indicates the web client’s screen color depth.
wt.ce wt.ce indicates whether the visitor has first-party cookies enabled (1) or disabled (0).
wt.co_f wt.co_f is a random value used as a visitor ID and stored in a first-party cookie.
wt.ct wt.ct specifies the connection type used to send data.
wt.dl wt.dl specifies a numeric identifier for the kind of event tracked, which are used for event-level filtering and reporting. identifies the page a user was on when an event occurred. indicates whether the web client has enabled Java (yes) or not (no).
wt.js wt.js indicates whether the web client supports or has enabled JavaScript (yes) or not (no).
wt.p_did wt.p_did provides a hash value that represents the device used by the visitor. Its values are only collected if the persona service is enabled.
wt.p_pid wt.p_pid provides a hashed persona identifier generated by the persona service. wt.p_pid is typically identical to wt.p_vid Its values are only collected if the persona service is enabled.
wt.p_sid wt.p_sid provides a unique ID for the session for use by the persona service. Its values are only collected if the persona service is enabled.
wt.p_vid wt.p_vid is generated if the wt.p_did does not match an existing persona. If the persona is matched, wt.p_vid is identical to wt.p_pid. Its values are only collected if the persona service is enabled. indicates the web client’s screen resolution.
wt.ssl wt.ssl indicates whether the hit's content is secured via HTTPS (1) or not (0).
wt.ti wt.ti identifies the HTML page title of the associated web content or the name of the mobile app in the case of the SDK. specifies the version of the JavaScript tag that is currently deployed. indicates the web client's time zone offset from UTC.
wt.ul wt.ul indicates the app or web client's user language.

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Persona service parameters

Full Parameter Reference

data collection, Infinity Tag, dcssip, dcsuri