IP address masking parameter

dcsipa allows you to mask IP addresses by specifying the optional value of 1.

Note: Masking the IP address impacts the reporting granularity of geolocation reports.

To mask IP addresses collected by Oracle Infinity, do one of the following:

  • Include the following meta tag in the header of all pages containing the Oracle Infinity Tag:
    <meta name="DCS.dcsipa" content="1" />
  • Work with your Oracle Infinity solutions consultant to implement the IP Mask Tag Plugin.
  • Work with your Oracle Infinity solutions consultant to preload the Oracle Infinity Tag with a mutation to add dcsipa=1 to every hit.

If you have a noscript call, you should modify the <noscript> portion of your Oracle Infinity Tag so that it includes &dcsipa=1.

Valid value 1: IP addresses logged by Oracle Infinity data collection servers are masked by replacing the last octet of IPV4 and the last 5 segments of IPV6 addresses with 0. If a dcsipa value of 1 is not specified, IP addresses will not be masked.
Syntax dcsipa=1
Example dcsipa=1

Note The dcsipa parameter is included in the default whitelist. If you are also using the block list tag plugin with a custom whitelist, include dcsipa in the custom whitelist.

Learn more

IP Mask Tag Plugin

Full Parameter Reference


dcsipa parameter, DCS.dcsipa, IP address masking