Mobile Client Tracker Plugin

This plugin allows the native app data and web view data to be glued together by the analysis engine. It maintains the sessionization from the mobile app to navigated web view pages and to links going back to the web view within the app.

This can be somewhat of a confusing subject as there are four possibilities.

Data From Data To Support By
App Browser MobileBrowser plugin
App Webview hybridMobuleApp
Browser App MobileBrowser plugin
Webview App hybridMobileApp

The plugin performs two functions. For App to mobile browser interactions, it resets the tags sessionization to match that of the data being sent by a mobile app. Essentially, the mobile app SDK method loads the web page with a query string in the form:

The plugin used the data sent in the query parameter to overwrite the cookie values in the web view.

From the example above:

ora_vtid=f0f73e17-3f4e-4fbe-8167-6cec20a86818a = id in cookie

The second function is for the plugin to add the sessionization to links going back to the app to ensure the session data in the app (time stamp etc) match that of the web page so click stream data is properly sequenced in the analysis engine. The plugin adds the following parameters to the outgoing links.

ora_vtid = vtid (Visitor id parameter)
dcsref = referrer parameter
ora_id_b_tv = plugin versioning

Enabling the plugin


Note: acceptDomains is optional. If omitted all domains are permissible, if used only the domain listed will have their cookie re-sessionized.

Plugin options

Parameters Description Data Type Default Value
Enable Enables the plugin Boolean false
acceptDomains This controls what domains the sessionization data will be accepted from. This is an optional parameter, if omitted all domains are permissible, if used only the domain listed will have their cookie re-sessionized. String  
appDomains Option to set what link domains the plugin will add the sessionization parameters to when links are clicked on the webpage for the browser-to-app interactions. String  
appId This option sets the IDs whose links will have the sessionization parameters appended to them the links are clicked for the browser-to-app interactions. String  

Learn more

Infinity Module Plugins