Domain Switcher Tag Plugin

The domain switcher plugin for the Oracle Infinity Tag overrides the first-party cookie (FPC) domain with a correct matching domain from a specified array of possible domains.

Note: For more details about this implementation, contact your Oracle Infinity solutions consultant.

By default, Infinity does not specify a domain name when writing a first-party cookie. The full-page domain from the URL is used, which might not be desirable.

For example, a visitor landing on by default would have the WT_FPC cookie set under The cookie would not be readable under any subdomains of the same website ( To avoid this situation, the plugin can be configured with an array of one or more desirable domains (such as domains: ['']), which would make Infinity write a cookie under the top-level domain that is readable across the site no matter where visitor lands.

It works as follows:

  1. On initialization, the plugin checks if it is enabled and if there are domains available in the domains array.
  2. It goes through the list of provided domains comparing with the URL of current page.
  3. If a submatch is found, the FPC domain is set to the matching domain from the domains array.

Plugin configuration

The plugin is loaded with the following properties available to be set via the configuration object.

Parameter Description Data Type Default Value
domains Array of domains Array []
enable Enable plugin functionality Boolean true


    "wt-plugins" : {
    "ds" : {
    "enable": true,
    "domains":["", ""]
    "anotherPlugin" : {...}

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Infinity Module Plugins