Parameter Syntax

Data collection parameter syntax includes name, value, and format.

Reserved name spaces

The following name spaces are reserved:

  • wt.i_: Used for product integrations with legacy Infinity customers (prior to January 1, 2018).
  • wt.z_: Used by Oracle Infinity professional services for legacy customer integrations (prior to January 1, 2018).
  • ora.z_: Used by Oracle Infinity professional services for customer integrations (after January 1, 2018).

Custom parameters

You can pass custom parameters into Oracle Infinity Analytics for reporting purposes. Any parameters you pass to Oracle Infinity data collection will be picked up and included in the data. block of a collected event. For example,consider the following collection event:

The foo parameter would appear in the raw data as In some legacy Infinity integrations, custom data was passed using a special format such as the following:


Legacy custom parameters will still be collected. However, Oracle recommends passing only the parameters you need in the form you want to see them on events that you send to the Oracle Infinity data collection endpoints.

Value syntax

Parameter values use the following general syntax.

Diagram of a sample name and value to demonstrate the naming syntax of basic Infinity Analytics parameters

Parameters can have at least one value. Some parameters can be specified in pairs or in groups of related parameters. When related parameters have multiple values, these values may be correlated and their position becomes important as shown in the following example:


If correlation is specified in the report, name1 is associated with position1 and name2 with position2.

Multiple values

If there are multiple values, they are typically separated using a semicolon (;). You can use other separators, but you must specify the separator in the dimension or measure setting that is based on the parameter. If the parameter value contains a semicolon, it must be percent-encoded (%3B) to differentiate it from the separator.

Note: Some parameters do not support multiple values, such as the wt.ti title page parameter.

Numerical value format

Unless stated otherwise, numerical values must be specified using a simple decimal point format with the period as the decimal separator and up to two decimals without thousand separators. For example: 12345.67.

Multiple name-value pairs

Parameters are represented as name-value pairs and adhere to the following syntax.

Multiple parameter example

Diagram of a three sample parameter names and values

Each name-value pair is separated by an ampersand (&).

The Infinity data collection parameters must co-exist with other website parameters. This means that Infinity parameters should be able to be mixed with other known parameters using the ampersand parameter separator while avoiding parameter collisions.

If a parameter string contains duplicate key values, the first instance is used and the others are discarded.

Syntax examples

Single parameter with a single value

The following example shows a page associated with the Finance Offer advertising view.

Single parameter with multiple values

The following example shows a page associated with both the Finance Offer and FishFinder Offer advertising views.;FishFinder%20Offer

Related parameters with a single value

The following example shows a page associated with the New Product campaign and the click campaign event type.


Related parameters with multiple values

The following example shows a page associated with content groups and subtypes. The pressreleases subtype is associated with the corporate content group. The specifications subtype is associated with the engineering content group.


Learn more

Full Parameter Reference


syntax, parameter