IORAAppDataCollector Interface Reference

Inherited by ORABaseDataCollector.

Public Member Functions

boolean isAppInForeground ()
Map< String, String > triggerApplicationStartEvent (final String applicationName, final Map< String, String > customData)
Map< String, String > triggerApplicationErrorEvent (final String applicationName, final String errorMessage, final Map< String, String > customData)
Map< String, String > triggerApplicationTerminateEvent (final String applicationName, final Map< String, String > customData)
Map< String, String > triggerActivityStartEvent (final String activityName, final Map< String, String > customData)
Map< String, String > triggerApplicationEnterBackgroundEvent (final String applicationName, final Map< String, String > customData)
Map< String, String > triggerApplicationEnterForegroundEvent (final String applicationName, final Map< String, String > customData)
Map< String, String > triggerActivityResumeEvent (final String activityName, final Map< String, String > customData)
Map< String, String > triggerActivityPauseEvent (final String activityName, final Map< String, String > customData)
Map< String, String > triggerActivityStopEvent (final String activityName, final Map< String, String > customData)
Map< String, String > triggerFragmentStartEvent (final String activityName, final String fragmentName, final Map< String, String > customData)
Map< String, String > triggerFragmentResumeEvent (final String activityName, final String fragmentName, final Map< String, String > customData)
Map< String, String > triggerFragmentPauseEvent (final String activityName, final String fragmentName, final Map< String, String > customData)
Map< String, String > triggerFragmentStopEvent (final String activityName, final String fragmentName, final Map< String, String > customData)
Map< String, String > triggerNotificationEvent (final String activityName, final String notificationMessage, final Map< String, String > customData)
Map< String, String > triggerCustomEvent (final ORAEventMeta eventMeta)
Map< String, String > triggerScreenViewEvent (final ORAEventMeta eventMeta, final String contentGroup)
void enableORAInWebView (final WebView webView)

Detailed Description

ORABaseDataCollector is the central class provided by Oracle Core Mobile SDK. Its central purpose is to log and send events to the Oracle Infinity collection servers. It's primarily accessed through its sharedCollector singleton. It should not be manually initialized.

Member Function Documentation

◆ enableORAInWebView()

void enableORAInWebView ( final WebView  webView)

Add ORA javascript interface to specified webView to enable communication of session data between the webView and the Oracle Infinity Mobile SDK.

webViewThe webView used in the hybrid application

Implemented in ORABaseDataCollector.

◆ isAppInForeground()

boolean isAppInForeground ( )

Returns state of the application

if application in foreground, otherwise

Implemented in ORABaseDataCollector.

◆ triggerActivityPauseEvent()

Map<String, String> triggerActivityPauseEvent ( final String  activityName,
final Map< String, String >  customData 

Generate an Activity Pause event (Automatically generated when automatic events are enabled)

When calling this method manually, it is recommended to place the call in the activity lifecycle such as in the Activity.onPause() method.

activityNameSpecifies an activity name associated with this event.
customDataSpecifies a series of custom name-value parameters used to pass data that is not included in the method.
The collection of key/value pairs that make up the event (as a Map<String, String>). This may be discarded.


public void onPause() {
// Create some custom data, but this is optional:
Map<String, String> customData = new HashMap<String, String>();
customData.put("foo", "bar");
customData.put("boo", "baz");
// Create the activity pause event.
ORADataCollector.getInstance().triggerActivityPauseEvent("My Activity", customData);
Oracle Infinity parameters included in this event:
  • dcsuri: "/activity/pause"
  • wt.ti: activityName
  • wt.pi: activityName
  • wt.dl: "61"
  • wt.sys: "pause"

In addition to these, all events contain the following  Oracle Infinity params:

Device Parameters
  • WT.ets: Epoch Time Stamp, set at event creation time 
  • Set Cookie on Redirect, always "yes" 
  • Device Model, set by accessing \c android.os.Build.model and \c BUILD.manufacturer properties or "unknown" 
  • WT.os: Operating System Version, reported by android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE or "unknown" 
  • WT.av: Application Version, set by the wt_dc_app_version config setting or context.getPackageName() 
  • WT.a_nm: Application Name, set by the wt_dc_app_name config setting or context.getApplicationInfo().labelRes 
  • WT.a_dc: Data Carrier, set by Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE 
  • WT.ul: Locale Language, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayLanguage() 
  • WT.uc: Locale Country, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayCountry() 
  • Screen Resolution, set by context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE).getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics() 
  • WT.sdk_v: SDK Version, set by BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME 
  • WT.ct: Connection Type,set by the CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE getActiveNetworkInfo() 
  • WT.g_co: Country Code, set by the TELEPHONY_SERVICE getNetworkCountryIso() 
  • WT.d_id: Unique ID, set by randomly generated ID(only included if the wt_dc_send_unique_id_enabled : config setting is set to true) 
  • WT.i_ornt: Interface Orientation, set by the Display.getOrientation() method 
  • WT.g_long: Geographic Location: longitude, set by the location.getLongitude() method 
  • WT.g_lat: Geographic Location: latitude, set by the location.getLatitude() method 
  • WT.gc: Geographic Location: A concatenation of WT.g_lat and WT.g_long, joined with a ","  
  • user-agent: User agent string, set by System.getProperty("http.agent") 

Session Parameters
  • WT.vtvs: Session Start, the start time of the current session 
  • WT.co_f: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_sid: VisitorID.SessionStart, a concatenation of WT.co_f and WT.vtvs, joined with a "." 
  • WT.vtid: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_f: First hit ever for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_s: First hit of the session for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_tlh: Time of last hit 

Note: This method is called automatically when automatics are turned on (setting ora_dc_automatics_enabled = true). Automatic methods will be called without any custom params.

Implemented in ORABaseDataCollector.

◆ triggerActivityResumeEvent()

Map<String, String> triggerActivityResumeEvent ( final String  activityName,
final Map< String, String >  customData 

Generate an Activity Resume event (Automatically generated when automatic events are enabled)

When calling this method manually, it is recommended to place the call in the activity lifecycle such as in the Activity.onResume() method.

activityNameSpecifies an activity name associated with this event.
customDataSpecifies a series of custom name-value parameters used to pass data that is not included in the method.
The collection of key/value pairs that make up the event (as a Map<String, String>). This may be discarded.


public void onResume() {
// Create some custom data, but this is optional:
Map<String, String> customData = new HashMap<String, String>();
customData.put("foo", "bar");
customData.put("boo", "baz");
// Create the activity resume event.
ORADataCollector.getInstance().triggerActivityResumeEvent("My Activity", customData);
Oracle Infinity parameters included in this event:
  • dcsuri: "/activity/resume"
  • wt.ti: activityName
  • wt.pi: activityName
  • wt.dl: "61"
  • wt.sys: "resume"

In addition to these, all events contain the following  Oracle Infinity params:

Device Parameters
  • WT.ets: Epoch Time Stamp, set at event creation time 
  • Set Cookie on Redirect, always "yes" 
  • Device Model, set by accessing \c android.os.Build.model and \c BUILD.manufacturer properties or "unknown" 
  • WT.os: Operating System Version, reported by android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE or "unknown" 
  • WT.av: Application Version, set by the wt_dc_app_version config setting or context.getPackageName() 
  • WT.a_nm: Application Name, set by the wt_dc_app_name config setting or context.getApplicationInfo().labelRes 
  • WT.a_dc: Data Carrier, set by Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE 
  • WT.ul: Locale Language, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayLanguage() 
  • WT.uc: Locale Country, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayCountry() 
  • Screen Resolution, set by context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE).getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics() 
  • WT.sdk_v: SDK Version, set by BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME 
  • WT.ct: Connection Type,set by the CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE getActiveNetworkInfo() 
  • WT.g_co: Country Code, set by the TELEPHONY_SERVICE getNetworkCountryIso() 
  • WT.d_id: Unique ID, set by randomly generated ID(only included if the wt_dc_send_unique_id_enabled : config setting is set to true) 
  • WT.i_ornt: Interface Orientation, set by the Display.getOrientation() method 
  • WT.g_long: Geographic Location: longitude, set by the location.getLongitude() method 
  • WT.g_lat: Geographic Location: latitude, set by the location.getLatitude() method 
  • WT.gc: Geographic Location: A concatenation of WT.g_lat and WT.g_long, joined with a ","  
  • user-agent: User agent string, set by System.getProperty("http.agent") 

Session Parameters
  • WT.vtvs: Session Start, the start time of the current session 
  • WT.co_f: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_sid: VisitorID.SessionStart, a concatenation of WT.co_f and WT.vtvs, joined with a "." 
  • WT.vtid: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_f: First hit ever for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_s: First hit of the session for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_tlh: Time of last hit 

Note: This method is called automatically when automatics are turned on (setting ora_dc_automatics_enabled = true). Automatic methods will be called without any custom params.

Implemented in ORABaseDataCollector.

◆ triggerActivityStartEvent()

Map<String, String> triggerActivityStartEvent ( final String  activityName,
final Map< String, String >  customData 

Generate an Activity Start event (Automatically generated when automatic events are enabled)

When calling this method manually, it is recommended to place the call early in the activity lifecycle such as in the Activity.onCreate() method.

activityNameSpecifies an activity name associated with this event.
customDataSpecifies a series of custom name-value parameters used to pass data that is not included in the method.
The collection of key/value pairs that make up the event (as a Map<String, String>). This may be discarded.


public void onCreate() {
// Create some custom data, but this is optional:
Map<String, String> customData = new HashMap<String, String>();
customData.put("foo", "bar");
customData.put("boo", "baz");
// Create the activity start event.
ORADataCollector.getInstance().triggerActivityStartEvent("My Activity", customData);
Oracle Infinity parameters included in this event:
  • dcsuri: "/activity/start"
  • wt.ti: activityName
  • wt.pi: activityName
  • wt.dl: "61"
  • wt.sys: "start"

In addition to these, all events contain the following  Oracle Infinity params:

Device Parameters
  • WT.ets: Epoch Time Stamp, set at event creation time 
  • Set Cookie on Redirect, always "yes" 
  • Device Model, set by accessing \c android.os.Build.model and \c BUILD.manufacturer properties or "unknown" 
  • WT.os: Operating System Version, reported by android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE or "unknown" 
  • WT.av: Application Version, set by the wt_dc_app_version config setting or context.getPackageName() 
  • WT.a_nm: Application Name, set by the wt_dc_app_name config setting or context.getApplicationInfo().labelRes 
  • WT.a_dc: Data Carrier, set by Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE 
  • WT.ul: Locale Language, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayLanguage() 
  • WT.uc: Locale Country, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayCountry() 
  • Screen Resolution, set by context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE).getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics() 
  • WT.sdk_v: SDK Version, set by BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME 
  • WT.ct: Connection Type,set by the CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE getActiveNetworkInfo() 
  • WT.g_co: Country Code, set by the TELEPHONY_SERVICE getNetworkCountryIso() 
  • WT.d_id: Unique ID, set by randomly generated ID(only included if the wt_dc_send_unique_id_enabled : config setting is set to true) 
  • WT.i_ornt: Interface Orientation, set by the Display.getOrientation() method 
  • WT.g_long: Geographic Location: longitude, set by the location.getLongitude() method 
  • WT.g_lat: Geographic Location: latitude, set by the location.getLatitude() method 
  • WT.gc: Geographic Location: A concatenation of WT.g_lat and WT.g_long, joined with a ","  
  • user-agent: User agent string, set by System.getProperty("http.agent") 

Session Parameters
  • WT.vtvs: Session Start, the start time of the current session 
  • WT.co_f: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_sid: VisitorID.SessionStart, a concatenation of WT.co_f and WT.vtvs, joined with a "." 
  • WT.vtid: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_f: First hit ever for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_s: First hit of the session for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_tlh: Time of last hit 

Note: This method is called automatically when automatics are turned on (setting ora_dc_automatics_enabled = true). Automatic methods will be called without any custom params.

Implemented in ORABaseDataCollector.

◆ triggerActivityStopEvent()

Map<String, String> triggerActivityStopEvent ( final String  activityName,
final Map< String, String >  customData 

Generate an Activity End event (Automatically generated when automatic events are enabled)

When calling this method manually, it is recommended to place the call in the activity lifecycle such as in the Activity.onStop() method.

activityNameSpecifies an activity name associated with this event.
customDataSpecifies a series of custom name-value parameters used to pass data that is not included in the method.
The collection of key/value pairs that make up the event (as a Map<String, String>). This may be discarded.


public void onStop() {
// Create some custom data, but this is optional:
Map<String, String> customData = new HashMap<String, String>();
customData.put("foo", "bar");
customData.put("boo", "baz");
// Create the activity end event.
ORADataCollector.getInstance().triggerActivityStopEvent("My Activity", customData);
Oracle Infinity parameters included in this event:
  • dcsuri: "/activity/end"
  • wt.ti: activityName
  • wt.pi: activityName
  • wt.dl: "61"
  • wt.sys: "end"

In addition to these, all events contain the following  Oracle Infinity params:

Device Parameters
  • WT.ets: Epoch Time Stamp, set at event creation time 
  • Set Cookie on Redirect, always "yes" 
  • Device Model, set by accessing \c android.os.Build.model and \c BUILD.manufacturer properties or "unknown" 
  • WT.os: Operating System Version, reported by android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE or "unknown" 
  • WT.av: Application Version, set by the wt_dc_app_version config setting or context.getPackageName() 
  • WT.a_nm: Application Name, set by the wt_dc_app_name config setting or context.getApplicationInfo().labelRes 
  • WT.a_dc: Data Carrier, set by Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE 
  • WT.ul: Locale Language, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayLanguage() 
  • WT.uc: Locale Country, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayCountry() 
  • Screen Resolution, set by context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE).getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics() 
  • WT.sdk_v: SDK Version, set by BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME 
  • WT.ct: Connection Type,set by the CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE getActiveNetworkInfo() 
  • WT.g_co: Country Code, set by the TELEPHONY_SERVICE getNetworkCountryIso() 
  • WT.d_id: Unique ID, set by randomly generated ID(only included if the wt_dc_send_unique_id_enabled : config setting is set to true) 
  • WT.i_ornt: Interface Orientation, set by the Display.getOrientation() method 
  • WT.g_long: Geographic Location: longitude, set by the location.getLongitude() method 
  • WT.g_lat: Geographic Location: latitude, set by the location.getLatitude() method 
  • WT.gc: Geographic Location: A concatenation of WT.g_lat and WT.g_long, joined with a ","  
  • user-agent: User agent string, set by System.getProperty("http.agent") 

Session Parameters
  • WT.vtvs: Session Start, the start time of the current session 
  • WT.co_f: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_sid: VisitorID.SessionStart, a concatenation of WT.co_f and WT.vtvs, joined with a "." 
  • WT.vtid: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_f: First hit ever for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_s: First hit of the session for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_tlh: Time of last hit 

Note: This method is called automatically when automatics are turned on (setting ora_dc_automatics_enabled = true). Automatic methods will be called without any custom params.

Implemented in ORABaseDataCollector.

◆ triggerApplicationEnterBackgroundEvent()

Map<String, String> triggerApplicationEnterBackgroundEvent ( final String  applicationName,
final Map< String, String >  customData 

Generate an application enter background event (Automatically generated when automatic events are enabled)

When calling this method manually, it is recommended to place the call early in the application lifecycle.

applicationNameSpecifies an application name associated with this event.
customDataSpecifies a series of custom name-value parameters used to pass data that is not included in the method.
The collection of key/value pairs that make up the event (as a Map<String, String>). This may be discarded.


public void onActivityStopped() {
//Get application name
final String activityName = activity.getClass().getSimpleName();
// Create some custom data, but this is optional:
Map<String, String> customData = new HashMap<String, String>();
customData.put("foo", "bar");
customData.put("boo", "baz");
// Create the application background event.
ORADataCollector.getInstance().triggerApplicationEnterBackgroundEvent(activityName, customData);
Oracle Infinity parameters included in this event:
  • dcsuri: "/application/background";
  • wt.ti: appName
  • wt.pi: appName
  • wt.dl: "61"
  • wt.sys: "background"

In addition to these, all events contain the following  Oracle Infinity params:

Device Parameters
  • WT.ets: Epoch Time Stamp, set at event creation time 
  • Set Cookie on Redirect, always "yes" 
  • Device Model, set by accessing \c android.os.Build.model and \c BUILD.manufacturer properties or "unknown" 
  • WT.os: Operating System Version, reported by android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE or "unknown" 
  • WT.av: Application Version, set by the wt_dc_app_version config setting or context.getPackageName() 
  • WT.a_nm: Application Name, set by the wt_dc_app_name config setting or context.getApplicationInfo().labelRes 
  • WT.a_dc: Data Carrier, set by Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE 
  • WT.ul: Locale Language, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayLanguage() 
  • WT.uc: Locale Country, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayCountry() 
  • Screen Resolution, set by context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE).getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics() 
  • WT.sdk_v: SDK Version, set by BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME 
  • WT.ct: Connection Type,set by the CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE getActiveNetworkInfo() 
  • WT.g_co: Country Code, set by the TELEPHONY_SERVICE getNetworkCountryIso() 
  • WT.d_id: Unique ID, set by randomly generated ID(only included if the wt_dc_send_unique_id_enabled : config setting is set to true) 
  • WT.i_ornt: Interface Orientation, set by the Display.getOrientation() method 
  • WT.g_long: Geographic Location: longitude, set by the location.getLongitude() method 
  • WT.g_lat: Geographic Location: latitude, set by the location.getLatitude() method 
  • WT.gc: Geographic Location: A concatenation of WT.g_lat and WT.g_long, joined with a ","  
  • user-agent: User agent string, set by System.getProperty("http.agent") 

Session Parameters
  • WT.vtvs: Session Start, the start time of the current session 
  • WT.co_f: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_sid: VisitorID.SessionStart, a concatenation of WT.co_f and WT.vtvs, joined with a "." 
  • WT.vtid: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_f: First hit ever for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_s: First hit of the session for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_tlh: Time of last hit 

Note: This method is called automatically when automatics are turned on (setting ora_dc_automatics_enabled = true). Automatic methods will be called without any custom params.

Implemented in ORABaseDataCollector.

◆ triggerApplicationEnterForegroundEvent()

Map<String, String> triggerApplicationEnterForegroundEvent ( final String  applicationName,
final Map< String, String >  customData 

Generate an application enter foreground event (Automatically generated when automatic events are enabled)

When calling this method manually, it is recommended to place the call early in the application lifecycle.

applicationNameSpecifies an application name associated with this event.
customDataSpecifies a series of custom name-value parameters used to pass data that is not included in the method.
The collection of key/value pairs that make up the event (as a Map<String, String>). This may be discarded.


public void onActivityStopped() {
//Get application name
final String activityName = activity.getClass().getSimpleName();
// Create some custom data, but this is optional:
Map<String, String> customData = new HashMap<String, String>();
customData.put("foo", "bar");
customData.put("boo", "baz");
// Create the application foreground event.
ORADataCollector.getInstance().triggerApplicationEnterForegroundEvent(activityName, customData);
Oracle Infinity parameters included in this event:
  • dcsuri: "/application/foreground";
  • wt.ti: appName
  • wt.pi: appName
  • wt.dl: "61"
  • wt.sys: "foreground"

In addition to these, all events contain the following  Oracle Infinity params:

Device Parameters
  • WT.ets: Epoch Time Stamp, set at event creation time 
  • Set Cookie on Redirect, always "yes" 
  • Device Model, set by accessing \c android.os.Build.model and \c BUILD.manufacturer properties or "unknown" 
  • WT.os: Operating System Version, reported by android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE or "unknown" 
  • WT.av: Application Version, set by the wt_dc_app_version config setting or context.getPackageName() 
  • WT.a_nm: Application Name, set by the wt_dc_app_name config setting or context.getApplicationInfo().labelRes 
  • WT.a_dc: Data Carrier, set by Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE 
  • WT.ul: Locale Language, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayLanguage() 
  • WT.uc: Locale Country, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayCountry() 
  • Screen Resolution, set by context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE).getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics() 
  • WT.sdk_v: SDK Version, set by BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME 
  • WT.ct: Connection Type,set by the CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE getActiveNetworkInfo() 
  • WT.g_co: Country Code, set by the TELEPHONY_SERVICE getNetworkCountryIso() 
  • WT.d_id: Unique ID, set by randomly generated ID(only included if the wt_dc_send_unique_id_enabled : config setting is set to true) 
  • WT.i_ornt: Interface Orientation, set by the Display.getOrientation() method 
  • WT.g_long: Geographic Location: longitude, set by the location.getLongitude() method 
  • WT.g_lat: Geographic Location: latitude, set by the location.getLatitude() method 
  • WT.gc: Geographic Location: A concatenation of WT.g_lat and WT.g_long, joined with a ","  
  • user-agent: User agent string, set by System.getProperty("http.agent") 

Session Parameters
  • WT.vtvs: Session Start, the start time of the current session 
  • WT.co_f: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_sid: VisitorID.SessionStart, a concatenation of WT.co_f and WT.vtvs, joined with a "." 
  • WT.vtid: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_f: First hit ever for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_s: First hit of the session for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_tlh: Time of last hit 

Note: This method is called automatically when automatics are turned on (setting ora_dc_automatics_enabled = true). Automatic methods will be called without any custom params.

Implemented in ORABaseDataCollector.

◆ triggerApplicationErrorEvent()

Map<String, String> triggerApplicationErrorEvent ( final String  applicationName,
final String  errorMessage,
final Map< String, String >  customData 

Generate an Application Error event (Automatically generated when automatic events are enabled)

applicationNameSpecifies an application name associated with application startup, application termination, application foreground, application background, or application error.
errorMessageSpecifies an error message for application.
customDataSpecifies a series of custom name-value parameters used to pass data that is not included in the method.
The collection of key/value pairs that make up the event (as a Map<String, String>). This may be discarded.


if (error != null) {
// Create some custom data, but this is optional:
Map<String, String> customData = new HashMap<String, String>();
customData.put("Error details", "Something bad happened");
customData.put("data", "The big bad wolf blew my house in!");
// Create the application error event.
ORADataCollector.getInstance().triggerApplicationErrorEvent("My Application", "Error message", customData);
Oracle Infinity parameters included in this event:
  • dcsuri: "/application/error"
  • wt.ti: applicationName
  • wt.pi: applicationName
  • wt.dl: "61"
  • wt.sys: "error"
  • "errorMessage"

In addition to these, all events contain the following  Oracle Infinity params:

Device Parameters
  • WT.ets: Epoch Time Stamp, set at event creation time 
  • Set Cookie on Redirect, always "yes" 
  • Device Model, set by accessing \c android.os.Build.model and \c BUILD.manufacturer properties or "unknown" 
  • WT.os: Operating System Version, reported by android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE or "unknown" 
  • WT.av: Application Version, set by the wt_dc_app_version config setting or context.getPackageName() 
  • WT.a_nm: Application Name, set by the wt_dc_app_name config setting or context.getApplicationInfo().labelRes 
  • WT.a_dc: Data Carrier, set by Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE 
  • WT.ul: Locale Language, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayLanguage() 
  • WT.uc: Locale Country, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayCountry() 
  • Screen Resolution, set by context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE).getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics() 
  • WT.sdk_v: SDK Version, set by BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME 
  • WT.ct: Connection Type,set by the CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE getActiveNetworkInfo() 
  • WT.g_co: Country Code, set by the TELEPHONY_SERVICE getNetworkCountryIso() 
  • WT.d_id: Unique ID, set by randomly generated ID(only included if the wt_dc_send_unique_id_enabled : config setting is set to true) 
  • WT.i_ornt: Interface Orientation, set by the Display.getOrientation() method 
  • WT.g_long: Geographic Location: longitude, set by the location.getLongitude() method 
  • WT.g_lat: Geographic Location: latitude, set by the location.getLatitude() method 
  • WT.gc: Geographic Location: A concatenation of WT.g_lat and WT.g_long, joined with a ","  
  • user-agent: User agent string, set by System.getProperty("http.agent") 

Session Parameters
  • WT.vtvs: Session Start, the start time of the current session 
  • WT.co_f: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_sid: VisitorID.SessionStart, a concatenation of WT.co_f and WT.vtvs, joined with a "." 
  • WT.vtid: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_f: First hit ever for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_s: First hit of the session for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_tlh: Time of last hit 

Implemented in ORABaseDataCollector.

◆ triggerApplicationStartEvent()

Map<String, String> triggerApplicationStartEvent ( final String  applicationName,
final Map< String, String >  customData 

Generate an Application Start event (Automatically generated when automatic events are enabled)

If you call this method manually, it should be called at the beginning of the application lifecycle, such as the Activity.onCreate() method.

applicationNameSpecifies an application name associated with application startup, application termination, application foreground, application background, or application error.
customDataSpecifies a series of custom name-value parameters used to pass data that is not included in the method.
The collection of key/value pairs that make up the event (as a Map<String, String>). This may be discarded.


private void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Create some custom data, but this is optional:
Map<String, String> customData = new HashMap<String, String>();
customData.put("foo", "bar");
customData.put("boo", "baz");
// Create the application start event.
ORADataCollector.getInstance().triggerApplicationStartEvent("My Application", customData);
Oracle Infinity parameters included in this event:
  • dcsuri: "/application/start"
  • wt.ti: applicationName
  • wt.pi: applicationName
  • wt.dl: "61"
  • wt.sys: "startup"

In addition to these, all events contain the following  Oracle Infinity params:

Device Parameters
  • WT.ets: Epoch Time Stamp, set at event creation time 
  • Set Cookie on Redirect, always "yes" 
  • Device Model, set by accessing \c android.os.Build.model and \c BUILD.manufacturer properties or "unknown" 
  • WT.os: Operating System Version, reported by android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE or "unknown" 
  • WT.av: Application Version, set by the wt_dc_app_version config setting or context.getPackageName() 
  • WT.a_nm: Application Name, set by the wt_dc_app_name config setting or context.getApplicationInfo().labelRes 
  • WT.a_dc: Data Carrier, set by Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE 
  • WT.ul: Locale Language, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayLanguage() 
  • WT.uc: Locale Country, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayCountry() 
  • Screen Resolution, set by context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE).getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics() 
  • WT.sdk_v: SDK Version, set by BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME 
  • WT.ct: Connection Type,set by the CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE getActiveNetworkInfo() 
  • WT.g_co: Country Code, set by the TELEPHONY_SERVICE getNetworkCountryIso() 
  • WT.d_id: Unique ID, set by randomly generated ID(only included if the wt_dc_send_unique_id_enabled : config setting is set to true) 
  • WT.i_ornt: Interface Orientation, set by the Display.getOrientation() method 
  • WT.g_long: Geographic Location: longitude, set by the location.getLongitude() method 
  • WT.g_lat: Geographic Location: latitude, set by the location.getLatitude() method 
  • WT.gc: Geographic Location: A concatenation of WT.g_lat and WT.g_long, joined with a ","  
  • user-agent: User agent string, set by System.getProperty("http.agent") 

Session Parameters
  • WT.vtvs: Session Start, the start time of the current session 
  • WT.co_f: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_sid: VisitorID.SessionStart, a concatenation of WT.co_f and WT.vtvs, joined with a "." 
  • WT.vtid: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_f: First hit ever for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_s: First hit of the session for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_tlh: Time of last hit 

Note: This method is called automatically when automatics are turned on (setting ora_dc_automatics_enabled = true). Automatic methods will be called without any custom params.

Implemented in ORABaseDataCollector.

◆ triggerApplicationTerminateEvent()

Map<String, String> triggerApplicationTerminateEvent ( final String  applicationName,
final Map< String, String >  customData 

Generate an Application Terminate event

In automatic mode, this method will only work on an emulator. It will never be called on a production Android device, where processes are removed by simply killing them. No user code (including the onTerminate() method) will be called.
If you want to invoke this method manually, you must put it in a block of code that is sure to be called when your application terminates.
applicationNameSpecifies an application name associated with application startup, application termination, application foreground, application background, or application error.
customDataSpecifies a series of custom name-value parameters used to pass data that is not included in the method.
The collection of key/value pairs that make up the event (as a Map<String, String>). This may be discarded.


public void mySpecialApplicationTerminateMethod() {
// Create some custom data, but this is optional:
Map<String, String> customData = new HashMap<String, String>();
customData.put("foo", "bar");
customData.put("boo", "baz");
// Create the application terminate event.
ORADataCollector.getInstance().triggerApplicationTerminateEvent("My Application", customData);
Oracle Infinity parameters included in this event:
  • dcsuri: "/application/terminate"
  • wt.ti: applicationName
  • wt.pi: applicationName
  • wt.dl: "61"
  • wt.sys: "exit"

In addition to these, all events contain the following  Oracle Infinity params:

Device Parameters
  • WT.ets: Epoch Time Stamp, set at event creation time 
  • Set Cookie on Redirect, always "yes" 
  • Device Model, set by accessing \c android.os.Build.model and \c BUILD.manufacturer properties or "unknown" 
  • WT.os: Operating System Version, reported by android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE or "unknown" 
  • WT.av: Application Version, set by the wt_dc_app_version config setting or context.getPackageName() 
  • WT.a_nm: Application Name, set by the wt_dc_app_name config setting or context.getApplicationInfo().labelRes 
  • WT.a_dc: Data Carrier, set by Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE 
  • WT.ul: Locale Language, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayLanguage() 
  • WT.uc: Locale Country, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayCountry() 
  • Screen Resolution, set by context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE).getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics() 
  • WT.sdk_v: SDK Version, set by BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME 
  • WT.ct: Connection Type,set by the CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE getActiveNetworkInfo() 
  • WT.g_co: Country Code, set by the TELEPHONY_SERVICE getNetworkCountryIso() 
  • WT.d_id: Unique ID, set by randomly generated ID(only included if the wt_dc_send_unique_id_enabled : config setting is set to true) 
  • WT.i_ornt: Interface Orientation, set by the Display.getOrientation() method 
  • WT.g_long: Geographic Location: longitude, set by the location.getLongitude() method 
  • WT.g_lat: Geographic Location: latitude, set by the location.getLatitude() method 
  • WT.gc: Geographic Location: A concatenation of WT.g_lat and WT.g_long, joined with a ","  
  • user-agent: User agent string, set by System.getProperty("http.agent") 

Session Parameters
  • WT.vtvs: Session Start, the start time of the current session 
  • WT.co_f: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_sid: VisitorID.SessionStart, a concatenation of WT.co_f and WT.vtvs, joined with a "." 
  • WT.vtid: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_f: First hit ever for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_s: First hit of the session for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_tlh: Time of last hit 

Note: This method is called automatically when automatics are turned on (setting ora_dc_automatics_enabled = true). Automatic methods will be called without any custom params.

Implemented in ORABaseDataCollector.

◆ triggerCustomEvent()

Map<String, String> triggerCustomEvent ( final ORAEventMeta  eventMeta)

Generate a Custom event

eventMetaSpecifies an ORAEventMeta object that stores common parameter types attached to this event.
The collection of key/value pairs that make up the event (as a Map<String, String>). This may be discarded.


findViewById( View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// Create some custom data, but this is optional:
Map<String, String> customData = new HashMap<String, String>();
customData.put("foo", "bar");
customData.put("boo", "baz");
// Create the custom event.
final ORAEventMeta eventMeta = new ORAEventMeta("My/event/path", "My Event Description", "My Event Type", customData);
Oracle Infinity parameters included in this event:
  • dcsuri: eventPath/custom (where eventPath is the eventPath parameter for this method
  • wt.ti: eventDesc
  • wt.pi: eventDesc
  • wt.ev: eventType
  • wt.sys: "custom"
  • wt.dl: "0"

In addition to these, all events contain the following  Oracle Infinity params:

Device Parameters
  • WT.ets: Epoch Time Stamp, set at event creation time 
  • Set Cookie on Redirect, always "yes" 
  • Device Model, set by accessing \c android.os.Build.model and \c BUILD.manufacturer properties or "unknown" 
  • WT.os: Operating System Version, reported by android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE or "unknown" 
  • WT.av: Application Version, set by the wt_dc_app_version config setting or context.getPackageName() 
  • WT.a_nm: Application Name, set by the wt_dc_app_name config setting or context.getApplicationInfo().labelRes 
  • WT.a_dc: Data Carrier, set by Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE 
  • WT.ul: Locale Language, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayLanguage() 
  • WT.uc: Locale Country, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayCountry() 
  • Screen Resolution, set by context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE).getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics() 
  • WT.sdk_v: SDK Version, set by BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME 
  • WT.ct: Connection Type,set by the CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE getActiveNetworkInfo() 
  • WT.g_co: Country Code, set by the TELEPHONY_SERVICE getNetworkCountryIso() 
  • WT.d_id: Unique ID, set by randomly generated ID(only included if the wt_dc_send_unique_id_enabled : config setting is set to true) 
  • WT.i_ornt: Interface Orientation, set by the Display.getOrientation() method 
  • WT.g_long: Geographic Location: longitude, set by the location.getLongitude() method 
  • WT.g_lat: Geographic Location: latitude, set by the location.getLatitude() method 
  • WT.gc: Geographic Location: A concatenation of WT.g_lat and WT.g_long, joined with a ","  
  • user-agent: User agent string, set by System.getProperty("http.agent") 

Session Parameters
  • WT.vtvs: Session Start, the start time of the current session 
  • WT.co_f: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_sid: VisitorID.SessionStart, a concatenation of WT.co_f and WT.vtvs, joined with a "." 
  • WT.vtid: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_f: First hit ever for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_s: First hit of the session for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_tlh: Time of last hit 

Implemented in ORABaseDataCollector.

◆ triggerFragmentPauseEvent()

Map<String, String> triggerFragmentPauseEvent ( final String  activityName,
final String  fragmentName,
final Map< String, String >  customData 

Generate a Fragment Resume event (Automatically generated when automatic events are enabled)

When calling this method manually, it is recommended to place the call in the fragment lifecycle such as in the Fragment.onPause() method.

activityNameSpecifies an activity name associated with this event.
fragmentNameSpecifies a fragment name associated with this event.
customDataSpecifies a series of custom name-value parameters used to pass data that is not included in the method.
The collection of key/value pairs that make up the event (as a Map<String, String>). This may be discarded.


public void onPause() {
// Create some custom data, but this is optional:
Map<String, String> customData = new HashMap<String, String>();
customData.put("foo", "bar");
customData.put("boo", "baz");
// Create the fragment pause event.
ORADataCollector.getInstance().triggerFragmentPauseEvent("My activity", "My Fragment", customData);
Oracle Infinity parameters included in this event:
  • dcsuri: "/fragment/pause"
  • wt.ti: activityName
  • wt.pi: fragmentName
  • wt.dl: "61"
  • wt.sys: "fr_pause"

In addition to these, all events contain the following  Oracle Infinity params:

Device Parameters
  • WT.ets: Epoch Time Stamp, set at event creation time 
  • Set Cookie on Redirect, always "yes" 
  • Device Model, set by accessing \c android.os.Build.model and \c BUILD.manufacturer properties or "unknown" 
  • WT.os: Operating System Version, reported by android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE or "unknown" 
  • WT.av: Application Version, set by the wt_dc_app_version config setting or context.getPackageName() 
  • WT.a_nm: Application Name, set by the wt_dc_app_name config setting or context.getApplicationInfo().labelRes 
  • WT.a_dc: Data Carrier, set by Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE 
  • WT.ul: Locale Language, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayLanguage() 
  • WT.uc: Locale Country, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayCountry() 
  • Screen Resolution, set by context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE).getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics() 
  • WT.sdk_v: SDK Version, set by BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME 
  • WT.ct: Connection Type,set by the CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE getActiveNetworkInfo() 
  • WT.g_co: Country Code, set by the TELEPHONY_SERVICE getNetworkCountryIso() 
  • WT.d_id: Unique ID, set by randomly generated ID(only included if the wt_dc_send_unique_id_enabled : config setting is set to true) 
  • WT.i_ornt: Interface Orientation, set by the Display.getOrientation() method 
  • WT.g_long: Geographic Location: longitude, set by the location.getLongitude() method 
  • WT.g_lat: Geographic Location: latitude, set by the location.getLatitude() method 
  • WT.gc: Geographic Location: A concatenation of WT.g_lat and WT.g_long, joined with a ","  
  • user-agent: User agent string, set by System.getProperty("http.agent") 

Session Parameters
  • WT.vtvs: Session Start, the start time of the current session 
  • WT.co_f: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_sid: VisitorID.SessionStart, a concatenation of WT.co_f and WT.vtvs, joined with a "." 
  • WT.vtid: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_f: First hit ever for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_s: First hit of the session for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_tlh: Time of last hit 

Note: This method is called automatically when automatics are turned on (setting ora_dc_automatics_enabled = true). Automatic methods will be called without any custom params.

Implemented in ORABaseDataCollector.

◆ triggerFragmentResumeEvent()

Map<String, String> triggerFragmentResumeEvent ( final String  activityName,
final String  fragmentName,
final Map< String, String >  customData 

Generate a Fragment Resume event (Automatically generated when automatic events are enabled)

When calling this method manually, it is recommended to place the call in the fragment lifecycle such as in the Fragment.onResume() method.

activityNameSpecifies an activity name associated with this event.
fragmentNameSpecifies a fragment name associated with this event.
customDataSpecifies a series of custom name-value parameters used to pass data that is not included in the method.
The collection of key/value pairs that make up the event (as a Map<String, String>). This may be discarded.


public void onResume() {
// Create some custom data, but this is optional:
Map<String, String> customData = new HashMap<String, String>();
customData.put("foo", "bar");
customData.put("boo", "baz");
// Create the fragment resume event.
ORADataCollector.getInstance().triggerFragmentResumeEvent("My activity", "My Fragment", customData);
Oracle Infinity parameters included in this event:
  • dcsuri: "/fragment/resume"
  • wt.ti: activityName
  • wt.pi: fragmentName
  • wt.dl: "61"
  • wt.sys: "fr_resume"

In addition to these, all events contain the following  Oracle Infinity params:

Device Parameters
  • WT.ets: Epoch Time Stamp, set at event creation time 
  • Set Cookie on Redirect, always "yes" 
  • Device Model, set by accessing \c android.os.Build.model and \c BUILD.manufacturer properties or "unknown" 
  • WT.os: Operating System Version, reported by android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE or "unknown" 
  • WT.av: Application Version, set by the wt_dc_app_version config setting or context.getPackageName() 
  • WT.a_nm: Application Name, set by the wt_dc_app_name config setting or context.getApplicationInfo().labelRes 
  • WT.a_dc: Data Carrier, set by Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE 
  • WT.ul: Locale Language, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayLanguage() 
  • WT.uc: Locale Country, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayCountry() 
  • Screen Resolution, set by context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE).getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics() 
  • WT.sdk_v: SDK Version, set by BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME 
  • WT.ct: Connection Type,set by the CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE getActiveNetworkInfo() 
  • WT.g_co: Country Code, set by the TELEPHONY_SERVICE getNetworkCountryIso() 
  • WT.d_id: Unique ID, set by randomly generated ID(only included if the wt_dc_send_unique_id_enabled : config setting is set to true) 
  • WT.i_ornt: Interface Orientation, set by the Display.getOrientation() method 
  • WT.g_long: Geographic Location: longitude, set by the location.getLongitude() method 
  • WT.g_lat: Geographic Location: latitude, set by the location.getLatitude() method 
  • WT.gc: Geographic Location: A concatenation of WT.g_lat and WT.g_long, joined with a ","  
  • user-agent: User agent string, set by System.getProperty("http.agent") 

Session Parameters
  • WT.vtvs: Session Start, the start time of the current session 
  • WT.co_f: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_sid: VisitorID.SessionStart, a concatenation of WT.co_f and WT.vtvs, joined with a "." 
  • WT.vtid: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_f: First hit ever for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_s: First hit of the session for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_tlh: Time of last hit 

Note: This method is called automatically when automatics are turned on (setting ora_dc_automatics_enabled = true). Automatic methods will be called without any custom params.

Implemented in ORABaseDataCollector.

◆ triggerFragmentStartEvent()

Map<String, String> triggerFragmentStartEvent ( final String  activityName,
final String  fragmentName,
final Map< String, String >  customData 

Generate a Fragment Start event (Automatically generated when automatic events are enabled)

When calling this method manually, it is recommended to place the call in the fragment lifecycle such as in the Fragment.onCreate() method.

activityNameSpecifies an activity name associated with this event.
fragmentNameSpecifies a fragment name associated with this event.
customDataSpecifies a series of custom name-value parameters used to pass data that is not included in the method.
The collection of key/value pairs that make up the event (as a Map<String, String>). This may be discarded.


public void onCreate() {
// Create some custom data, but this is optional:
Map<String, String> customData = new HashMap<String, String>();
customData.put("foo", "bar");
customData.put("boo", "baz");
// Create the fragment start event.
ORADataCollector.getInstance().triggerFragmentStartEvent("My activity", "My Fragment", customData);
Oracle Infinity parameters included in this event:
  • dcsuri: "/fragment/start"
  • wt.ti: activityName
  • wt.pi: fragmentName
  • wt.dl: "61"
  • wt.sys: "fr_start"

In addition to these, all events contain the following  Oracle Infinity params:

Device Parameters
  • WT.ets: Epoch Time Stamp, set at event creation time 
  • Set Cookie on Redirect, always "yes" 
  • Device Model, set by accessing \c android.os.Build.model and \c BUILD.manufacturer properties or "unknown" 
  • WT.os: Operating System Version, reported by android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE or "unknown" 
  • WT.av: Application Version, set by the wt_dc_app_version config setting or context.getPackageName() 
  • WT.a_nm: Application Name, set by the wt_dc_app_name config setting or context.getApplicationInfo().labelRes 
  • WT.a_dc: Data Carrier, set by Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE 
  • WT.ul: Locale Language, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayLanguage() 
  • WT.uc: Locale Country, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayCountry() 
  • Screen Resolution, set by context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE).getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics() 
  • WT.sdk_v: SDK Version, set by BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME 
  • WT.ct: Connection Type,set by the CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE getActiveNetworkInfo() 
  • WT.g_co: Country Code, set by the TELEPHONY_SERVICE getNetworkCountryIso() 
  • WT.d_id: Unique ID, set by randomly generated ID(only included if the wt_dc_send_unique_id_enabled : config setting is set to true) 
  • WT.i_ornt: Interface Orientation, set by the Display.getOrientation() method 
  • WT.g_long: Geographic Location: longitude, set by the location.getLongitude() method 
  • WT.g_lat: Geographic Location: latitude, set by the location.getLatitude() method 
  • WT.gc: Geographic Location: A concatenation of WT.g_lat and WT.g_long, joined with a ","  
  • user-agent: User agent string, set by System.getProperty("http.agent") 

Session Parameters
  • WT.vtvs: Session Start, the start time of the current session 
  • WT.co_f: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_sid: VisitorID.SessionStart, a concatenation of WT.co_f and WT.vtvs, joined with a "." 
  • WT.vtid: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_f: First hit ever for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_s: First hit of the session for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_tlh: Time of last hit 

Note: This method is called automatically when automatics are turned on (setting ora_dc_automatics_enabled = true). Automatic methods will be called without any custom params.

Implemented in ORABaseDataCollector.

◆ triggerFragmentStopEvent()

Map<String, String> triggerFragmentStopEvent ( final String  activityName,
final String  fragmentName,
final Map< String, String >  customData 

Generate a Fragment Stop event (Automatically generated when automatic events are enabled)

When calling this method manually, it is recommended to place the call in the fragment lifecycle such as in the Fragment.onStop() method.

activityNameSpecifies an activity name associated with this event.
fragmentNameSpecifies a fragment name associated with this event.
customDataSpecifies a series of custom name-value parameters used to pass data that is not included in the method.
The collection of key/value pairs that make up the event (as a Map<String, String>). This may be discarded.


public void onPause() {
// Create some custom data, but this is optional:
Map<String, String> customData = new HashMap<String, String>();
customData.put("foo", "bar");
customData.put("boo", "baz");
// Create the fragment stop event.
ORADataCollector.getInstance().triggerFragmentStopEvent("My activity", "My Fragment", customData);
Oracle Infinity parameters included in this event:
  • dcsuri: "/fragment/stop"
  • wt.ti: activityName
  • wt.pi: fragmentName
  • wt.dl: "61"
  • wt.sys: "fr_stop"

In addition to these, all events contain the following  Oracle Infinity params:

Device Parameters
  • WT.ets: Epoch Time Stamp, set at event creation time 
  • Set Cookie on Redirect, always "yes" 
  • Device Model, set by accessing \c android.os.Build.model and \c BUILD.manufacturer properties or "unknown" 
  • WT.os: Operating System Version, reported by android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE or "unknown" 
  • WT.av: Application Version, set by the wt_dc_app_version config setting or context.getPackageName() 
  • WT.a_nm: Application Name, set by the wt_dc_app_name config setting or context.getApplicationInfo().labelRes 
  • WT.a_dc: Data Carrier, set by Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE 
  • WT.ul: Locale Language, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayLanguage() 
  • WT.uc: Locale Country, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayCountry() 
  • Screen Resolution, set by context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE).getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics() 
  • WT.sdk_v: SDK Version, set by BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME 
  • WT.ct: Connection Type,set by the CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE getActiveNetworkInfo() 
  • WT.g_co: Country Code, set by the TELEPHONY_SERVICE getNetworkCountryIso() 
  • WT.d_id: Unique ID, set by randomly generated ID(only included if the wt_dc_send_unique_id_enabled : config setting is set to true) 
  • WT.i_ornt: Interface Orientation, set by the Display.getOrientation() method 
  • WT.g_long: Geographic Location: longitude, set by the location.getLongitude() method 
  • WT.g_lat: Geographic Location: latitude, set by the location.getLatitude() method 
  • WT.gc: Geographic Location: A concatenation of WT.g_lat and WT.g_long, joined with a ","  
  • user-agent: User agent string, set by System.getProperty("http.agent") 

Session Parameters
  • WT.vtvs: Session Start, the start time of the current session 
  • WT.co_f: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_sid: VisitorID.SessionStart, a concatenation of WT.co_f and WT.vtvs, joined with a "." 
  • WT.vtid: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_f: First hit ever for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_s: First hit of the session for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_tlh: Time of last hit 

Note: This method is called automatically when automatics are turned on (setting ora_dc_automatics_enabled = true). Automatic methods will be called without any custom params.

Implemented in ORABaseDataCollector.

◆ triggerNotificationEvent()

Map<String, String> triggerNotificationEvent ( final String  activityName,
final String  notificationMessage,
final Map< String, String >  customData 

Generate a Notification event (Automatically generated when automatic events are enabled)

When calling this method manually, it is recommended to place the call in the activity lifecycle such as in the Activity.onActivityStarted() method.

activityNameSpecifies an activity name associated with this event.
notificationMessageSpecifies a notification message which passed to the notification by ora key or the title when using ORANotification.
customDataSpecifies a series of custom name-value parameters used to pass data that is not included in the method.
The collection of key/value pairs that make up the event (as a Map<String, String>). This may be discarded.


public void onActivityStarted() {
// Create some custom data, but this is optional:
Map<String, String> customData = new HashMap<String, String>();
customData.put("foo", "bar");
customData.put("boo", "baz");
// Create the notification event.
ORADataCollector.getInstance().triggerNotificationEvent("My Activity", "Notification Message", customData);
Oracle Infinity parameters included in this event:
  • dcsuri: "/application/notification"
  • wt.ti: activityName
  • wt.pi: notificationTitle
  • wt.dl: "61"
  • wt.sys: "notification"

In addition to these, all events contain the following  Oracle Infinity params:

Device Parameters
  • WT.ets: Epoch Time Stamp, set at event creation time 
  • Set Cookie on Redirect, always "yes" 
  • Device Model, set by accessing \c android.os.Build.model and \c BUILD.manufacturer properties or "unknown" 
  • WT.os: Operating System Version, reported by android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE or "unknown" 
  • WT.av: Application Version, set by the wt_dc_app_version config setting or context.getPackageName() 
  • WT.a_nm: Application Name, set by the wt_dc_app_name config setting or context.getApplicationInfo().labelRes 
  • WT.a_dc: Data Carrier, set by Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE 
  • WT.ul: Locale Language, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayLanguage() 
  • WT.uc: Locale Country, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayCountry() 
  • Screen Resolution, set by context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE).getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics() 
  • WT.sdk_v: SDK Version, set by BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME 
  • WT.ct: Connection Type,set by the CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE getActiveNetworkInfo() 
  • WT.g_co: Country Code, set by the TELEPHONY_SERVICE getNetworkCountryIso() 
  • WT.d_id: Unique ID, set by randomly generated ID(only included if the wt_dc_send_unique_id_enabled : config setting is set to true) 
  • WT.i_ornt: Interface Orientation, set by the Display.getOrientation() method 
  • WT.g_long: Geographic Location: longitude, set by the location.getLongitude() method 
  • WT.g_lat: Geographic Location: latitude, set by the location.getLatitude() method 
  • WT.gc: Geographic Location: A concatenation of WT.g_lat and WT.g_long, joined with a ","  
  • user-agent: User agent string, set by System.getProperty("http.agent") 

Session Parameters
  • WT.vtvs: Session Start, the start time of the current session 
  • WT.co_f: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_sid: VisitorID.SessionStart, a concatenation of WT.co_f and WT.vtvs, joined with a "." 
  • WT.vtid: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_f: First hit ever for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_s: First hit of the session for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_tlh: Time of last hit 

Note: This method is called automatically when automatics are turned on (setting ora_dc_automatics_enabled = true). Automatic methods will be called without any custom params.

Implemented in ORABaseDataCollector.

◆ triggerScreenViewEvent()

Map<String, String> triggerScreenViewEvent ( final ORAEventMeta  eventMeta,
final String  contentGroup 

Generate a Screen View event (Automatically generated when automatic events are enabled)

eventMetaSpecifies an ORAEventMeta object that stores common parameter types attached to this event.
contentGroupSpecifies a group of related application views.
The collection of key/value pairs that make up the event (as a Map<String, String>). This may be discarded.
Oracle Infinity parameters included in this event:
  • dcsuri: eventPath or "/screen/view" if eventPath is null
  • wt.ti: eventDesc
  • wt.pi: eventDesc
  • wt.dl: "0"
  • wt.sys: "screen"
  • wt.ev: eventType
  • wt.cg_n: contentGroup

In addition to these, all events contain the following  Oracle Infinity params:

Device Parameters
  • WT.ets: Epoch Time Stamp, set at event creation time 
  • Set Cookie on Redirect, always "yes" 
  • Device Model, set by accessing \c android.os.Build.model and \c BUILD.manufacturer properties or "unknown" 
  • WT.os: Operating System Version, reported by android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE or "unknown" 
  • WT.av: Application Version, set by the wt_dc_app_version config setting or context.getPackageName() 
  • WT.a_nm: Application Name, set by the wt_dc_app_name config setting or context.getApplicationInfo().labelRes 
  • WT.a_dc: Data Carrier, set by Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE 
  • WT.ul: Locale Language, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayLanguage() 
  • WT.uc: Locale Country, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayCountry() 
  • Screen Resolution, set by context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE).getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics() 
  • WT.sdk_v: SDK Version, set by BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME 
  • WT.ct: Connection Type,set by the CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE getActiveNetworkInfo() 
  • WT.g_co: Country Code, set by the TELEPHONY_SERVICE getNetworkCountryIso() 
  • WT.d_id: Unique ID, set by randomly generated ID(only included if the wt_dc_send_unique_id_enabled : config setting is set to true) 
  • WT.i_ornt: Interface Orientation, set by the Display.getOrientation() method 
  • WT.g_long: Geographic Location: longitude, set by the location.getLongitude() method 
  • WT.g_lat: Geographic Location: latitude, set by the location.getLatitude() method 
  • WT.gc: Geographic Location: A concatenation of WT.g_lat and WT.g_long, joined with a ","  
  • user-agent: User agent string, set by System.getProperty("http.agent") 

Session Parameters
  • WT.vtvs: Session Start, the start time of the current session 
  • WT.co_f: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_sid: VisitorID.SessionStart, a concatenation of WT.co_f and WT.vtvs, joined with a "." 
  • WT.vtid: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_f: First hit ever for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_s: First hit of the session for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_tlh: Time of last hit 

Implemented in ORABaseDataCollector.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: