IORABaseDataCollectorTriggerMethods Interface Reference

Public Member Functions

Map< String, String > triggerEvent (final String dcsuri, final String description, final String oraSys, final String oraDl, final Map< String, String > customData, boolean isRealTime)

Detailed Description

IORABaseDataCollectorTriggerMethods is the central class provided by Oracle Core Mobile SDK. Its central purpose is to log and send application life cycle events to the Oracle Infinity collection servers. It's primarily accessed through its sharedCollector singleton. It should not be manually initialized.

Member Function Documentation

◆ triggerEvent()

Map<String, String> triggerEvent ( final String  dcsuri,
final String  description,
final String  oraSys,
final String  oraDl,
final Map< String, String >  customData,
boolean  isRealTime 

Generates and triggers an event by passed parameters.

dcsuriSpecifies an event path
descriptionSpecifies an event description
oraSysSpecifies an event sys info
oraDlSpecifies an event dl
customDataSpecifies a series of custom name-value parameters used to pass data that is not included in the method.
isRealTimeSpecifies an event is RealTime or not.


public void someMethod() {
// Create some custom data, but this is optional:
Map<String, String> customData = new HashMap<String, String>();
customData.put("foo", "bar");
customData.put("boo", "baz");
// Create the event.
"eventDescription", "eventSys", "61", customData, false);
Oracle Core Base parameters included in this event:
  • dcsuri: "eventPath";
  • wt.ti: "eventDescription"
  • wt.pi: "eventDescription"
  • wt.dl: "61"
  • wt.sys: "eventSys"

In addition to these, all events contain the following  Oracle Infinity params:

Device Parameters
  • WT.ets: Epoch Time Stamp, set at event creation time 
  • Set Cookie on Redirect, always "yes" 
  • Device Model, set by accessing \c android.os.Build.model and \c BUILD.manufacturer properties or "unknown" 
  • WT.os: Operating System Version, reported by android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE or "unknown" 
  • WT.av: Application Version, set by the wt_dc_app_version config setting or context.getPackageName() 
  • WT.a_nm: Application Name, set by the wt_dc_app_name config setting or context.getApplicationInfo().labelRes 
  • WT.a_dc: Data Carrier, set by Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE 
  • WT.ul: Locale Language, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayLanguage() 
  • WT.uc: Locale Country, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayCountry() 
  • Screen Resolution, set by context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE).getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics() 
  • WT.sdk_v: SDK Version, set by BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME 
  • WT.ct: Connection Type,set by the CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE getActiveNetworkInfo() 
  • WT.g_co: Country Code, set by the TELEPHONY_SERVICE getNetworkCountryIso() 
  • WT.d_id: Unique ID, set by randomly generated ID(only included if the wt_dc_send_unique_id_enabled : config setting is set to true) 
  • WT.i_ornt: Interface Orientation, set by the Display.getOrientation() method 
  • WT.g_long: Geographic Location: longitude, set by the location.getLongitude() method 
  • WT.g_lat: Geographic Location: latitude, set by the location.getLatitude() method 
  • WT.gc: Geographic Location: A concatenation of WT.g_lat and WT.g_long, joined with a ","  
  • user-agent: User agent string, set by System.getProperty("http.agent") 

Session Parameters
  • WT.vtvs: Session Start, the start time of the current session 
  • WT.co_f: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_sid: VisitorID.SessionStart, a concatenation of WT.co_f and WT.vtvs, joined with a "." 
  • WT.vtid: Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session 
  • WT.vt_f: First hit ever for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_s: First hit of the session for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false 
  • WT.vt_f_tlh: Time of last hit 

Note: This method is called automatically when automatics are turned on (setting ora_dc_automatics_enabled = true). Automatic methods will be called without any custom params.

The collection of key/value pairs that make up the event (as a Map<String, String>). This may be discarded.

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