Opt Out Footer

Enables the addition of a footer to pages for opting out of data collection.

Plugin options

The plugin is loaded with the following parameters available to be set via the Data collection application:

Parameter Description Default Value UI Element
Enable Auto Opt-in

If set to true, the visitor will automatically be opted in for 10 years, when the overlay expires.


Background Color

The background color of the overlay.


Font Color

Font color used in the overlay.


Display time for Overlay

The number of milliseconds the overlay is present on the page.


Opt-out message

The message that is to be displayed in the overlay box.

This site uses cookies to analyze user activity in order to improve the Website. See ourprivacy policy for more information. You may opt-out of tracking for this site: <INPUT type="button" id="OptOut" style="background: gray; color: white; font-size:8pt" value="Opt Out" onclick="ORA.analytics.plugins.optOutFooter.optOut();"></button>


Learn more

Infinity Module