Infinity Module

In this topic:

Editing Module Options

The following module options are available for editing by the user:

Option Values Description
Do Not Track: This property can be used to set the Tag to honor the user preferences set in the browser settings.

Honor browser Do Not Track setting

Does not collect any data



Anonymize session if browser Do Not Track setting is set The tag ignores the Client ID from previous visits and collects data from the session as an anonymous user.

Ignore browser Do Not Track setting

Ignores the setting in the browser and proceeds to collect the data.

Cookie Settings: This property enables you to set first-party cookies for the tag.

First-Party only

Sets the cookie in the end user’s system as a first-party cookie


None Does not set a first-party cookie
Query Parameter Treatment

Skip query parameters with no value

Parameters which are not assigned a value are not collected. For example: ?test&test1&test2=val2&test3=&test4=val4 In this example, test & test1 parameters are not captured by the tag.

Skip query parameters with no value and equals

Parameters which are not assigned a value, and also those which have an equals symbol without a value are not collected. For example: ?test&test1&test2=val2&test3=&test4=val4 In this example, test, test1 & test3 parameters are not captured by the tag.

Don't send query parameters

All query parameters are ignored.

Send all query parameters

All parameters tagged to a URL are captured.

Note: Query parameters are a set of parameters and values that are passed by appending them to the end of the URL. These parameters can be used to define actions based on the data being passed in the query parameters. This option helps to select how the query parameters can be captured and passed on to Infinity.


Adding a Plugin

To add a plugin:

  1. From the Data Collection page, open the tag you'd like to add a plugin to.
  2. Click on the container for the module.

    Note: Although you can click on and open modules in the Production container, you cannot edit them. The panel that opens when you click on a Production module is read-only. Users must make changes in another container first then publish.

    An image of the Production container for the Infinity module

  3. Open the Plugins Added tab.
  4. Click + Add Plugin .

    Another slider is displayed with the list of plugins available for the module.

  5. Select the checkbox (before the plugin name) for the required tags and click Add Selected Plugins.

    An image of Add Selected Plugins option

    The plugins that are already added appear after the plugin list in the slider.

    After clicking Add Selected Plugins, the slider closes and displays newly added plugins in the Plugins Added tab. These new plugins are disabled.

  6. Enable the required new plugins that you added.

  7. Click Save to add the enabled plugins to the tag.

    Clicking Save persists the changes to the module, and the Tag details screen is displayed.

    An image of the plugin save option

Enabling or Disabling a Plugin

You can enable or disable a plugin by clicking on the toggle button before the plugin name. After enabling or disabling a plugin, click Save for the changes to be updated.

An image of the plugin save option

Disabling an enabled plugin does not remove any changes made to the plugin parameters. If you click Cancel, a warning message is displayed. You can continue without saving the plugin changes, or click Back to edit and save your changes.

Configuring plugins

Plugins can be managed from the Plugins Added tab on the slider pane. This tab displays the list of plugins that are added to the tag and their status (Enabled/Disabled).

An image of the Plugins Added tab

Modifying Plugin options

Some plugins have configurable options that help you modify the plugin behavior.

To modify the plugin behavior:

  1. From the Data Collection page, open the tag you'd like to add a plugin to.
  2. Click on the label for the module.

    Note: Although you can click on and open modules in the Production container, you cannot edit them. The panel that opens when you click on a Production module is read-only. Users must make changes in another container first then publish.

    An image of the Production container for the Infinity module

  3. Click EditAn image of the Edit icon next to the plugin name.

    A new slider pane appears over the module options slider displaying the parameters that are required for editing the plugin.

    As an example, the options for the Event Tracker plugin appear as shown in the following figure. The Save Plugin button is disabled until you make changes to the plugin options.

    An image of plugin edit options

  4. Make your changes.
  5. Click Save Plugin.

    The Options slider pane displays.

  6. Click Save.

    Clicking Save persists the changes to the module, and the Tag details screen appears after a successful save.

Removing a Plugin

Remove a plugin from the tag by clicking An image of the Delete icon next to the plugin name. All changes made to the plugin are reset when a plugin is removed from the tag.

An image of plugin removal

List of Available Plugins

Plugin Name Plugin Description
Adtracking Enable tracking for ad impressions and ad clicks when using the and parameters respectively.
Blocklist Enable an allow list or deny list of data sent to Oracle Infinity to ensure PII or sensitive information is not passed to Oracle Infinity.
Brightcove Enable tracking for embedded Brightcove video players, track video clip views, view duration, plays, pauses, and more.
Content Group Enable tracking for content groups and content subgroups.
Cookie Cutter

Parse and split non-secure first-party cookies. If persist is set to true, values extracted from events can be written to parameters that appear on every event passed to Oracle Infinity. If persist is set to false, values can be written upon page load.

Cross Domain Enable cross domain tracking by embedding a visitor ID either as a hashed query parameter and value pair or as a new query parameter that persists a visitor ID across domains. As a visitor navigates to a new website, for example, the visitor ID mirrors session information from the previous domain to the new domain.
Debug Enable troubleshooting and debugging of the tag implementation by opening a pop-up with sample tag parameters after a page loads with the tag.
Event Tracker Enable tracking for click events, scroll tracking, downloads, and other user interactions with various selectors on a website.
Form Tracking Enables tracking user interaction with forms for events such as form visibility, submissions, abandonments and so on.
HTML5Video Enable tracking for embedded HTML5-based video players, track video clip views, view duration, plays, pauses, and more.
Mask IP Enable obfuscation of the last octet of IP addresses by setting it to zero; this creates user anonymity while preserving a good level of geolocation accuracy.
Message Listener Enable tracking for events from iframes and pop-ups that open from parent web pages.
Mobile Client Tracker Enable the use of the WT.vtid or WT.co_f parameter values from the mobile SDK to sessionize data to the web-based tag, or sessionize from web pages to mobile apps.
Opt Out Footer Enables the addition of a footer to pages for opting out of data collection.
Page Load Timing Enable tracking for page load time, which can be used to monitor tag performance.
Persistent Parameters Enable storage of parameters in cookies so that values persist across pages.
ReadyEvent Enable a notification event when the tag is completely loaded on a page, so that the tag can execute additional scripts on specific events.
Simplified Behaviour Tracking Enables you to collect data about what your customers are doing on your websites without having to code.
Tag Management System Allows the tag to be configured with a third-party tag manager.
Universal Data Layer The universal data layer is an industry-standard method to organize and structure data according to a standard format regardless of the source of the data. When data is pushed to the data layer it triggers it to be sent to the Infinity data collector to be processed.
URL Fragment Tracking Enable custom handling of URL fragments.
YouTube Enable tracking for embedded YouTube video players, track video clip views, view duration, plays, pauses, and more.

Learn more

Modules - Learn about modules within the Data Collection Application.

Managing Modules - Learn how to manage modules within the Data Collection Application.

Oracle Infinity Developer Help Center - Modules - Learn more technical details about the Modules available within the Oracle CX Tag.

Oracle Infinity Developer Help Center - Infinity Module - Learn more about the Infinity Module within the Oracle CX Tag.