
Enable tracking for embedded YouTube video players, track video clip views, view duration, plays, pauses, and more.

Plugin options

The plugin is loaded with the following parameters available to be set via the Data collection application:

Parameter Description Default Value UI Element
Mode of tracking

When the plugin loads, it scans the page for YouTube player links in the markup and binds tracking to the links that are found in the markup.

  1. auto
  2. manual
  3. poll
Auto Radio Button
Capture video metadata

When set to true, the metadata of the loaded video is captured. Please refer to the documentation for the list of default parameters.

True Checkbox
Loaded video event When set to true, it captures the event when the video finished loading in the player and is ready to trigger the video view event (auto-play or via user interaction). False Checkbox
Buffering events When set to true, buffering events are tracked in the YouTube player. The default minimum for buffering is 30s. False Checkbox
Pause and resume events When set to true, pause and resume events of the video are tracked. True Checkbox
Volume events When set to true, volume change events are tracked in the YouTube player. False Checkbox
Video progress at quartiles When set to true, the YouTube video tracking plugin uses quartile event tracking and the player will send data at quartile points defaulted to 25, 50, 75, and 100% of video playtime. True Checkbox
Set cue points Cue points are used to separate chapters or scenes in a video or trigger ads that occur during playback of the video content. False Checkbox
Set percentage increments Sets the tracking intervals by percentage of video playtime. Setting it to 10 tracks the video playtime after every 10% increment of playtime. 25 Textbox
Progress with custom intervals When set to true, a data beacon event is sent every beaconRate seconds. If only quartile reporting is needed, set this option to false to disable beacon tracking. True Checkbox
Beacon event interval The interval between beacons in seconds (from 0 through 65000). Set this value to the maximum granularity of the reporting you require to make business decisions. 60 Text box
Seek events Enables tracking of seek events in the YouTube media player. True Checkbox
Track clip duration in seconds Enables duration tracking in seconds (from 0 through 65000) for categorizing videos by time duration. 15 Textbox
Load YouTube API Loading the YouTube API on the page increases tracking reliability and increase site security. False Checkbox

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Infinity Module