Deleting measures from Oracle Infinity

If you have the necessary rights to manage objects in the Library, you can delete measures from Oracle Infinity. You cannot delete standard measures.

Important: Deleting a measure from the Library will remove it from every report in which it is used.

To delete a measure from the Library:

  1. Click the Library Image of the Library application icon icon on the top menu. The Library page displays the objects that you can administer. By default, the Measures tab is selected.
    Image of the left-hand pane with the Measures tab selected
  2. Click the trash icon Image of the trash can iconnext to the measure you want to remove. A confirmation message lists any reports that use the measure.

    Image of a delete confirmation message that lists any report dependencies for the measure to be deleted

  3. Type DELETE in the box and then click Delete.



Removing measures from a report

delete measures, remove measures, library