Excluding an IP address

Important: This topic applies only to account administrators.

When you add an IP address to the Excluded IPs list for a site, it means that the campaigns on the site are not visible to anyone with that IP address. Visitors always see default content, and reporting data is not collected for them. For example, if you add to the list of excluded IPs for example.com, a visitor with an IP address of cannot see campaigns on example.com and is therefore not be tracked.

Exclude an IP address

  1. On the dashboard, click Admin.
  2. Click Site Administration.
  3. Select Add/Edit a Site.
  4. Click the Exclude IPs tab.
  5. Type or paste an IP address into the box. You can enter multiple IP addresses on different rows or separate each address with a comma. The IP address appears in the list.
  6. When you finish, click Save.

To remove an IP address, delete it from the list.

Tip: To search the company IPs list for an IP address, press Ctrl+F (or Cmd+F on a Mac) to display the search box.

Learn more

Blacklisting IP addresses