Google Universal Analytics

This article explains how to integrate your Oracle Maxymiser campaign with Google Universal Analytics so that you can use Oracle Maxymiser element and variant combinations within Google Analytics reporting.

For example, we are running an A/B test in Oracle Maxymiser and want to analyze how each variant affects a Goal set up in Google Analytics.

Enabling this integration

  1. Go to the Overview tab in the campaign.
  2. Add a new integration, then select Google Universal Analytics.
  3. Select the Enable check box.
  4. If you use a custom tracker name, enter it in the Tracker Name box.
  5. If you want to send custom dimensions, select Use Custom Dimensions and then enter the dimension number.

Using Oracle Maxymiser data in Google Analytics

Once integrated, there are two ways you can incorporate Oracle Maxymiser campaign information into your Google Analytics reports.

Option 1: Segments based on custom events

Create a custom segment, then specify the campaign name and experience (element/variant) using the Event Category, Event Action, and Event Label conditions as shown below:

Once your segments are set up, you can use these segments in any report to compare their behavior against your report's metrics.

Option 2: Custom dimensions

Create a custom report using the custom dimension you used in the integration setup process to compare the different experiences against your report's metrics.

This report lets you analyze your metrics (for example, the bounce rate) for each value in your custom dimension.


  • This integration will send an event in the following format:
    1. Category: "Maxymiser"
    2. Action: "Test Name"
    3. Label: "Element1:VariantA|Element2:VariantC"
    4. Non-Interactive: true (as to not affect bounce rate)
  • Unless a visitor's experience changes based on a segment rule, data will only be sent to Google Analytics once per session.
  • This integration is not supported for URL redirect campaigns.
  • When using the Custom Dimension option, a custom dimension will be set in the following format: "Test Name=Element1:VariantA|Element2:VariantC"
  • To help filter out QA and internal traffic, the following changes are made when sending data:
    1. Event Category: "Maxymiser QA"
    2. Custom Dimension: "Test Name QA=Element1:VariantA|Element2:VariantC"

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Google Analytics 4