Asynchronous Merge Profile List Members API

This endpoint is used to add new members to an existing profile list, or update data for existing members within the list. For a given list in a specific folder, an array of record data that can contain field names and their corresponding field values are specified. This endpoint is the asynchronous alternative to Merge List Recipients.

A maximum of 200 records can be merged in one request.

Note: The Asynchronous API is generally available for all Responsys customers.

Service URL:


Required Path Parameters:

listName - Name of the list.

Request Method:


Request Header:



Request Body - Required Properties:

recordData – Record data that represents field names and corresponding values for the member.

mergeRule – Merge rule used to merge recipient records in a Profile List. Only used during the merge operation.

For more information about forming a request, see the Merge List Recipients REST Endpoints page in the Oracle Responsys REST API Guide. View the Request section of the topic.

Sample Request Body:

  "recordData": {
    "fieldNames": [
    "records": [
    "mapTemplateName": null
  "mergeRule": {
    "htmlValue": "H",
    "optinValue": "I",
    "textValue": "T",
    "insertOnNoMatch": true,
    "updateOnMatch": "REPLACE_ALL",
    "matchColumnName1": "RIID_",
    "matchColumnName2": null,
    "matchOperator": "NONE",
    "optoutValue": "O",
    "rejectRecordIfChannelEmpty": null,
    "defaultPermissionStatus": "OPTIN"

Response Notes:

Sample Response:

    "requestId": " cDBtY3lFOjoxNTc2MDkzMzk3",
    "apiName": "asyncMergeListMembers",
    "status": "REQUEST_ACCEPTED",
    "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": "/rest/asyncApi/v1.3/lists/My_List_Name/members",
            "method": "POST"
            "rel": "asyncResponse",
            "href": "/rest/asyncApi/v1.3/requests/cDBtY3lFOjoxNTc2MDkzMzk3
            "method": "GET"

Learn more

Common error responses for the Asynchronous API

Merge or update members in a profile list table