Fetch All Profile Extensions for a Profile List




Path Parameters
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Body ()
Root Schema : List Extensions
Type: object
Title: List Extensions
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : Profile Extension
Type: object
Title: Profile Extension
Show Source
Nested Schema : fields
Type: array
The Profile Extension Fields
Show Source
Nested Schema : profileExtension
Type: object
The Profile Extension Object
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
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This interface is to retrieve all profile extension tables (PETs) associated with a given profile list table.

Authorization <AUTH_TOKEN>

Sample Response: Success

Note: The response is a collection of all PETs for the specified Profile List. Each of the individual objects in the collection represents a Profile Extension Object with a link "Create a Profile Extension" for the Profile List.

   "profileExtension":    {
      "objectName": "WS_Auto_RIPET",
      "folderName": "WS_Auto_RIFolder"
   "fields":    [
         "fieldName": "RIID_",
         "fieldType": "INTEGER"
         "fieldName": "ENAME",
         "fieldType": "STR500"
         "fieldName": "EMPID",
         "fieldType": "STR500"
         "fieldName": "CREATED_BY_LOAD_JOB_ID_",
         "fieldType": "INTEGER"
         "fieldName": "LAST_MOD_BY_LOAD_JOB_ID_",
         "fieldType": "INTEGER"
         "fieldName": "CREATED_DATE_",
         "fieldType": "TIMESTAMP"
         "fieldName": "MODIFIED_DATE_",
         "fieldType": "TIMESTAMP"
         "fieldName": "LAST_BULK_LOAD_ID_",
         "fieldType": "INTEGER"
         "fieldName": "EMAIL_SHA256_HASH_",
         "fieldType": "STR100"
         "fieldName": "EMAIL_ADDRESS_",
         "fieldType": "STR500"
         "fieldName": "CUSTOMER_ID_",
         "fieldType": "STR255"
         "fieldName": "EMAIL_PERMISSION_STATUS_",
         "fieldType": "CHAR"
         "fieldName": "EMAIL_MD5_HASH_",
         "fieldType": "STR50"
         "fieldName": "EMAIL_ISP_",
         "fieldType": "STR255"
         "fieldName": "EMAIL_FORMAT_",
         "fieldType": "CHAR"
         "fieldName": "EMAIL_DELIVERABILITY_STATUS_",
         "fieldType": "CHAR"
         "fieldName": "EMAIL_DOMAIN_",
         "fieldType": "STR255"
   "links": [   {
      "rel": "createProfileExtensionTable",
      "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/lists/WS_Auto_RILIST/listExtensions",
      "method": "POST"


Sample Response: Failure

   "type": "",
   "title": "List not found",
   "errorCode": "LIST_NOT_FOUND",
   "detail": "WS_Auto_RILISTs is an invalid list.",
   "errorDetails": []

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