Fetch All Programs




Supported Media Types
Query Parameters
  • Number of programs to return in the response (defaults to 200 and cannot exceed 200)
  • Starts at 0 and indicates the record number for the response result set
  • Comma separated list of status of programs to be fetched. Allowed values are NOT_RUNNING,RUNNING,RUNNING_WITH_ERRORS
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Body ()
Root Schema : Programs
Type: object
Title: Programs
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : program
Type: object
Title: program
Show Source
Nested Schema : channels
Type: array
List of channels for the program
Show Source
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Use this interface to get a list of Responsys program orchestrations for an account and the associated metadata for each program. The response includes draft and published programs, and it includes program status information.

Required request headers:

Authorization <AUTH_TOKEN>
Content-Type application/json

Response Notes:

  • The response contains an array of up to 200 program objects per request. You can use the pagination query parameters (offset and limit) to return the next set of records.
  • When the channels array is empty, the program does not contain any channel-specific stages.

Sample Response Body

  "programs": [
      "id": 10001362,
      "name": "PD_100_Reactivation",
      "folderName": "PD_100",
      "listName": "PD_100_LIST",
      "channels": [
      "createdOn": "07/10/2018",
      "createdBy": "N/A",
      "modifiedOn": "07/10/2018",
      "modifiedBy": "N/A",
      "status": "NOT_RUNNING"
      "id": 10004423,
      "name": "Simple Program",
      "folderName": "Examples",
      "listName": "Example contact list",
      "channels": [
      "createdOn": "29/02/2018",
      "createdBy": "N/A",
      "modifiedOn": "29/02/2018",
      "modifiedBy": "N/A",
      "publishDate": "29/02/2018",
      "unpublishDate": "30/05/2018",
      "status": "NOT_RUNNING"
      "id": 10021809,
      "name": "OOWProgram2",
      "folderName": "Examples",
      "listName": "TC_Food_List",
      "channels": [
      "createdOn": "08/09/2018",
      "createdBy": "Admin",
      "modifiedOn": "21/09/2018",
      "modifiedBy": "Admin",
      "publishDate": "21/09/2018",
      "unpublishDate": "21/12/2018",
      "status": "NOT_RUNNING"
      "id": 10025948,
      "name": "Summer Deals - In App",
      "folderName": "Examples",
      "listName": "2018 list",
      "channels": [
      "createdOn": "19/10/2018",
      "createdBy": "Admin",
      "modifiedOn": "19/10/2018",
      "modifiedBy": "Admin",
      "publishDate": "19/10/2018",
      "status": "RUNNING"
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/programs",
      "method": "GET"
      "rel": "next",
      "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/programs?limit=200&offset=200",
      "method": "GET"
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