Fetch Programs for a Profile List



Fetches all programs associated with the specified profile list. The response includes a list of all Programs associated with the Profile List, and information about the program such as the status of the program, and the program channels.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • Number of programs to return in the response (defaults to 200 and cannot exceed 200)
  • Starts at 0 and indicates the record number for the response result set
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Fetches all programs for the specified Profile List name
Body ()
Root Schema : Programs
Type: object
Title: Programs
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : program
Type: object
Title: program
Show Source
Nested Schema : channels
Type: array
List of channels for the program
Show Source
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Use this interface to get a list of Responsys programs that are associated with a specified Profile List Name. The response includes a list of all Programs associated with the Profile List, and information about the program such as the status of the program, and the program channels.

Required request headers:

Authorization <AUTH_TOKEN>
Content-Type application/json

Response Notes:

Sample Response Body

	"programs": [{
			"id": 86292841,
			"name": "Program_Name",
			"folderName": "API_Folder",
			"listName": "Profile_List_Name",
			"channels": [],
			"createdOn": "13/05/2020",
			"createdBy": "API_Account",
			"modifiedOn": "13/05/2020",
			"modifiedBy": "API_Account",
			"status": "NOT_RUNNING",
			"links": [{
					"rel": "self",
					"href": "/rest/api/v1.3/programs/lists/Profile_List_Name",
					"method": "GET"
					"rel": "getAllPrograms",
					"href": "/rest/api/v1.3/programs",
					"method": "GET"
					"rel": "getProgramByName",
					"href": "/rest/api/v1.3/programs/Program_Name",
					"method": "GET"
					"rel": "updateProgramState",
					"href": "/rest/api/v1.3/programs/Program_Name",
					"method": "PATCH"
			"id": 86292921,
			"name": "Sample Program",
			"folderName": "API_Folder",
			"listName": "Profile_List_Name",
			"channels": [],
			"createdOn": "13/05/2020",
			"createdBy": "API_Account",
			"modifiedOn": "13/05/2020",
			"modifiedBy": "API_Account",
			"status": "NOT_RUNNING",
			"links": [{
					"rel": "self",
					"href": "/rest/api/v1.3/programs/lists/Profile_List_Name",
					"method": "GET"
					"rel": "getAllPrograms",
					"href": "/rest/api/v1.3/programs",
					"method": "GET"
					"rel": "getProgramByName",
					"href": "/rest/api/v1.3/programs/Sample Program",
					"method": "GET"
					"rel": "updateProgramState",
					"href": "/rest/api/v1.3/programs/Sample Program",
					"method": "PATCH"
	"links": [{
		"rel": "self",
		"href": "/rest/api/v1.3/programs/lists/Profile_List_Name",
		"method": "GET"
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