Enabling Confirmed Opt-in

Important: This feature is only available if it is enabled for your account.

Use the Confirmed Opt-in page to require subscriber confirmation for receiving promotional email campaigns.

When someone subscribes (using a form on a web site), they will receive an email asking for opt-in confirmation. After recipients confirm, they will be added to the list and will receive promotional emails.

Requirements and prerequisites

To enable confirmed opt-in, you must:

  • Specify the form to use for subscribing
    To do this, enable confirmed opt-in on the subscription form.
  • Obtain the name of the confirmation campaign
    When recipients subscribe, they will receive an email asking for confirmation. The email is a transactional campaign that the campaign designer must create before you enable confirmed opt-in. You need to obtain the name and location of that campaign.
  • Make sure that the subscription form and confirmation campaign use the same profile list
  • Obtain the URL of the confirmation thank you page
    This is the page that will open after recipients confirm opt-in.
  • Paste the token anywhere in the campaign message
    The campaign that asks recipients to confirm opt-in must include a confirmation link. To accomplish that, one of the opt-in confirmation tokens (as described in step 5 below) must be included in the campaign message.

To enable confirmed opt-in:

  1. From the side navigation bar, select Account . (If you do not see the side navigation bar, click the Menu button (aka Hamburger menu) icon.)
  2. Select Permission status settings, and then select Confirmed Opt-in. (Not seeing this choice? Refer to the Account management changes topic.)
  3. Select Enable Confirmed Opt-in.
  4. Under Opt-in confirmation email, click Select and select the opt-in confirmation campaign.
  5. Click Copy token for the opt-in confirmation token, as follows:
    • If you are using the Email Message Designer, use ${environment.confirmoptin}.
    • If you are using a Classic Campaign, use $CONFIRM_OPTIN$.
  6. In Confirmation thank you page, type the URL of the confirmation landing page.

    If you do not provide the URL, users will be redirected to the default Oracle Responsys-hosted thank you.

  7. Open the transactional email campaign that you obtained earlier.
  8. Paste the token anywhere in the email message body.