Specifying Notifications for Failed Delivery of Emails

Important: This feature is only available if it is enabled for your account.

Use the Notification for failed delivery of transactional emails page to specify where notifications about failed delivery of triggered transactional emails are sent. Responsys users in some industries, such as airlines, are required to reach customers through other channels if email-based delivery fails. With this feature, Responsys notifies the user's system when a transactional email for a specific purpose fails to reach the intended recipient. Learn more on Topliners about notifications for undelivered transactional emails.

To specify notification settings:

  1. From the side navigation bar, select Account . (If you do not see the side navigation bar, click the Menu button (aka Hamburger menu) icon.)
  2. Select Notification settings, and then select Failed transactional email notifications. (Not seeing this choice? Refer to the Account management changes topic.)
  3. From the Notification for failed delivery of transactional emails page, specify all of the following: 
    • Non Delivery Notification Batch Size—the maximum number of failed email notifications to send per batch.

      Note: A minimum of 1 notification and a maximum of 2000 notifications can be sent in one batch. If you don't specify any value, then by default, the application will send 200 notifications.

    • Non Delivery Notification URI—the notification delivery endpoint. This is the REST API endpoint URL to which Responsys will be submitting a JSON payload containing the failed email notifications.
    • Non Delivery Notification User Name—user name for Responsys to authenticate to the notification delivery endpoint.
    • Non Delivery Notification Password—password for Responsys to authenticate to the notification delivery endpoint.
  4. Click Save.

notifications, notification, failed delivery, undeliverable, transactional email, failed transactional email notification