Previewing/Designing/Editing Your Documents

The Campaign Designer provides a convenient way to create, edit, and/or preview HTML and plain-text content for your campaign messages, forms, and dynamic content.

Accessing Campaign Designer

To access most content, click The Folders icon Folders on the side navigation bar, then select the data source, click , and select one of the following:

  • For Existing HTML or Text-formatted content, select Edit. The Campaign Designer opens with only Preview and Edit functionality.
  • For Campaigns and Forms, select Preview-Design-Edit.
  • For Dynamic Content, highlight the associated campaign, and select Campaign Dashboard. Click Dynamic Content link in the Message section. On Manage Dynamic Content page, click Open Designer.

    Note: To use the Campaign Designer, your dynamic content module must first be associated with a campaign or form.

Campaign Designer Navigation

Navigating Preview Mode

  • Moving through recipient previews – Use , , , to move through the views for different recipients based on your associated List and other data sources.

    Note: You may also directly enter a record number, and click Go.

  • Search for email addresses – Use Find to search for a string (for example, included in your associated email addresses.
  • HTML/Text content selector (upper-left) – If your campaign includes HTML and plain text content, you may toggle between views to work with either version.
  • Override preview with specified rules – When testing dynamic content, use the Override Preview option to display your message content as it would be displayed to recipients meeting the conditions of your specified rules.

Navigating Edit Mode

Click here for information about using the standard editor for plain-text content.

Use the list box in the upper left corner to choose the message document you want to edit (HTML or text).

Warning: Be sure to click Save before closing the Campaign Designer. Otherwise, any unsaved changes will be lost. To discard any unsaved changes without closing this page, click Revert.

To insert a dynamic date marker, place the insertion point where you want it, and click the button on the tool bars above the edit area. A dialog box appears, offering several common options.

To insert dynamic content, place the insertion point where you want it, and click the button at the left end of the tool bar above the edit area. A dialog box appears, offering the following three options:

Text marker: Use this option to insert a simple dynamic content region. This option inserts CONTENT_REGION in your document. On the Design tab, this will appear as  Content Rules Needed, which you can click to associate the region with a dynamic content module.

On the Edit tab, a region you've associated with a dynamic content module looks like CONTENT_REGION_|moduleName|, in which the module name is delimited by vertical bars and preceded by an underscore.

If you click the Source button (or switch back to the standard editor), you can also associate a region with a dynamic content module by typing the module name as shown above, but you’ll still use the Design tab to select an existing dynamic content module or template or to create a new module by assigning a name and setting up contents and rules.

SPAN tag marker: Use this option to add a hint about the nature of the dynamic content region.

This option inserts <span style="" ridcm="">optional hint text</span> in your document. Of course, you'll have to view the source HTML to see the tag; in WYSIWYG mode, the rich text editor just shows the optional hint text.

After you associate the region with a dynamic content module on the Design tab, both the module name and the hint text will appear on the Design tab; on the Edit tab, you'll see title="moduleName" added to the SPAN tag.

DIV tag marker: Use this option to force the dynamic content region to occupy a specifically sized space when you view it on the Design tab. This is useful when designing the layout of a complex document.

This option inserts <div style="height: YYYpx; width: XXXpx" ridcm="">optional descriptive text (any valid HTML code)</div> in your document. Of course, you'll have to view the source HTML to see the tag; in WYSIWYG mode, the rich text editor just shows the optional descriptive text.

After you associate the region with a dynamic content module on the Design tab, both the module name and the descriptive text will appear on the Design tab; on the Edit tab, you'll see title="moduleName" added to the DIV tag.

Important: The SPAN and DIV tag pairs and everything they enclose will be replaced by the appropriate dynamic content in the delivered message. If you want a region defined by a DIV tag to occupy a specifically sized space in the delivered message, too, be sure to enclose it in an additional DIV tag:

<div style="width:XXXpx;height:YYYpx">
<div style="height: YYYpx; width: XXXpx" ridcm="">optional descriptive text (any valid HTML code)</div>

Important: If you see unexpected results on the Design tab, be sure to check the source HTML, either by clicking the Source button in the rich text editor or by using the standard editor. It’s easy to "nest” dynamic content regions accidentally when you think you’re putting them side by side and when the rich text editor shows them side by side in WYSIWYG mode.