Designing/Editing Message and Form Content

The Campaign Designer provides a convenient way to create, edit, and/or preview HTML and plain-text content for your campaign messages, forms, and dynamic content. Learn more about the Campaign Designer.

The Edit tab provides a choice of two text editors in which you can edit the source content for your campaign or form. Use the rich text editor to enable sharing for an email campaign with Facebook or Twitter network or to add a Facebook like link. For information about using the Rich Text Editor for HTML content, see Using the Rich Text Editor to Edit Campaign Content.

Use the list box in the upper left corner to choose the message content you want to edit (HTML or plain text).

Warning: To save your changes click Save before closing the window. Otherwise, all changes will be lost. To discard any unsaved changes without closing the window, click Revert .

To insert dynamic content, place the insertion point where you want it, and click the large button above the edit area. You see CONTENT_REGION. On the Design tab, this will appear as  Content Rules Needed. Click that text to associate the region with a dynamic content module.

On the Edit tab, a region you've associated with a dynamic content module looks like CONTENT_REGION_|moduleName|, in which the module name is delimited by vertical bars and preceded by an underscore.

Note: You can also associate a region with dynamic content by typing the module name as shown above, but you'll still use the Design tab to select an existing dynamic content module or template or to create a new module by assigning a name and setting up contents and rules.

Dynamic content regions in HTML documents. You can add a hint about the nature of a given region by changing CONTENT_REGION_|moduleName| to:

<span ridcm="" title="moduleName">hint text</span>

Both the module name and the hint text will appear on the Design tab.

Similarly, you can force a dynamic content region to occupy a specifically sized space when you view it on the Design tab by changing CONTENT_REGION_|moduleName| to:

<div ridcm="" style="width:XXXpx;height:YYYpx;" title="moduleName">optional descriptive text (any valid HTML code)</div>

This is useful when designing the layout of a complex document.

The SPAN or DIV tag pair and everything it encloses will be replaced by the appropriate dynamic content in the delivered message. If you want a region defined by a DIV tag to occupy a specifically sized space in the delivered message, too, be sure to enclose it in an additional DIV tag:

<div style="width:XXXpx;height:YYYpx;">
<div ridcm="" style="width:XXXpx;height:YYYpx;" title="moduleName">optional descriptive text (any valid HTML code)</div>

Using a campaign for confirmed opt-in

Important: This option applies only if the Account Administrator enabled confirmed opt-in for the account.

To use this campaign as the confirmed opt-in email, you must create a transactional campaign and include a confirmation token anywhere in the message. The confirmation token generates the confirmation link in the campaign. You must place the following token anywhere in the message body: