Creating Plain-Text Versions of HTML Documents

After creating your HTML document, you may choose to create a plain-text version based on the content in that HTML document.

Creating from HTML Document Drop-Down Selection

  1. On the navigation menu, click Content icon from the Responsys navigation menu Content, and then select Content Library. (Not seeing this choice? Refer to the Side navigation bar changes topic.)
  2. From the Manage Content page, use the file manager to locate the HTML document.
  3. Move your mouse cursor over the HTML document name until the arrow is displayed. Click the arrow.
  4. Select Generate Text document.
  5. From the Generate Test document dialog, you can optionally change the name of the document or click Change folder to select a different folder for the document.
  6. Text and HTML documents may have identical names. If you do not change any settings, the file will be placed in the current folder, and it will have the same file name with a file extension of .txt.

  7. Click OK. The new text document is generated and placed in the location you chose.

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