External Tracking Parameters

You can set up your account for compatibility with third-party website analytics ("external tracking") services like Coremetrics, Google Analytics, Omniture and WebTrends. You can also set up custom, vendor-neutral parameters.

After your link-tracking campaign is configured for external tracking, these external-tracking parameters with campaign- or link-specific codes can be appended to the link URLs in your campaign documents.

To set the external tracking parameter settings:

  1. From the side navigation bar, select Account . (If you do not see the side navigation bar, click the Menu button (aka Hamburger menu) icon.)
  2. Select Campaign management, and then select External tracking parameters setting. (Not seeing this choice? Refer to the Account management changes topic.)
  3. In the Web Analytics Service Configuration section, choose the third-party website analytics service you plan to use (or the Custom Configuration - No Specific Vendor option), and then complete any additional fields required by the service.
  4. Check the box to use ampersands in place of question marks to append your external tracking parameters. This usage will depend on the format requirements of your website's system.
  5. Click Save.
  6. After you have selected a vendor, click the Edit Parameter or the Add Parameter link to configure the external tracking parameter:
    1. For a new parameter, provide a name and enter the appropriate options and any corresponding values.
    2. Check the Required box if you want the parameter to be included even if no corresponding values are specified, unless disabled at the link level.
    3. If you want to specify values, check the box and enter them below.

    Fixed-value parameters appear as drop-down lists (from which users must choose an existing value); variable parameters appear as text fields (into which users may type values).

See Support for Website Analytics (PDF, opens in separate window) for additional details.