Records and Fields Reference

OpenAir provide technical documentation for identifying record types, corresponding tables in the OpenAir database, and field names. See OpenAir Data Dictionary.

Integration Manager does not support all tables and fields in the OpenAir database. This section provides a list of OpenAir record types available for import and export using Integration Manager, see OpenAir Records Available for Export and Import.

Click the links in the list of supported record types to view the list of standard fields supported for each record type.

OpenAir Data Dictionary

The OpenAir Data Dictionary provides a summary of all tables, and standard fields in OpenAir.

Go to the OpenAir Data Dictionary

The Database Guide also provides an overview of the corresponding tables and their relationships for most record types in OpenAir with cross-references to the OpenAir Data Dictionary for details. See Database Guide.


To view the OpenAir Data Dictionary, use the following URL: https://<account-domain>/database/single_user.html.

  • The URL includes the domain name for your OpenAir account <account-domain>. For more information about your account-specific domain name, see Your OpenAir Account URLs.

  • To view the details of a specific table, append a hash symbol # followed by the table name to the end of the data dictionary URL. For example, use https://<account-domain>/database/single_user.html#project to view the details of the Project table.

  • You can access the data dictionary from the OpenAir Help Center using the link in the navigation bar if you have the View Help Center role permission.

OpenAir Records Available for Export and Import

The following table lists the OpenAir record types available for import and export using Integration Manager. Some record types are supported only when exporting information from OpenAir to a CSV file, or only when importing information from a CSV file into OpenAir. Check marks under the Export and Import columns indicate that you can export or import records of that type.

When exporting information from OpenAir to a CSV file, supported standard fields for other record types directly related with the record type you selected for export are also available for mapping. A check mark under the Export (Related Object) column indicates the record types available as related objects and the fields available for these related object. Some of records are only supported as related object.

Click the links in the list of supported record types to view the list of standard fields supported for each record type.

OpenAir Record


Export (Related Object)


Accounting Period

Check mark

Check mark

Actual Cost

Check mark


Check mark

Check mark

Agreement to Project

Check mark

Check mark

Approval Process

Check mark

Check mark


Check mark

Check mark

Booking Type

Check mark

Check mark


Check mark

Check mark

Budget Allocation

Check mark

Check mark


Check mark

Category_1 (see Category_<N>)

Check mark

Check mark

Category_2 (see Category_<N>)

Check mark

Check mark

Category_3 (see Category_<N>)

Check mark

Check mark

Category_4 (see Category_<N>)

Check mark

Check mark

Category_5 (see Category_<N>)

Check mark

Check mark


Check mark

Check mark

Cost Category

Check mark

Cost Center

Check mark

Check mark

Check mark

Cost Type

Check mark


Check mark

Check mark


Check mark

Check mark

Check mark

Customer PO

Check mark

Check mark

Customer PO to Project

Check mark


Check mark

Check mark


Check mark


Check mark


Check mark

Check mark

Check mark

Entity tag

Check mark

Check mark


Check mark

Check mark

Check mark


Check mark

Check mark


Check mark


Check mark


Check mark


Check mark


Check mark

Check mark

Expense Item

Check mark

Check mark

Filter set

Check mark


Check mark


Check mark

Check mark

Check mark


Check mark

Check mark

Item to User Location

Check mark

Check mark

Job Code

Check mark

Check mark

Leave accrual rule

Check mark

Check mark

Check mark

Leave accrual rule to user

Check mark

Check mark

Leave accrual trans

Check mark

Check mark

Loaded Cost

Check mark

Check mark


Check mark

Check mark

Payment Terms

Check mark

Check mark

Payment Type

Check mark

Check mark

Check mark

Payroll Type

Check mark

Check mark


Check mark

Check mark

Profile Type

Check mark

Check mark

Check mark


Check mark

Check mark

Check mark

Project Assignment

Check mark

Check mark

Project Billing Rule

Check mark

Check mark

Check mark

Project Billing Transaction

Check mark

Check mark

Project Group

Check mark

Check mark

Project Stage

Check mark

Project Task

Check mark

Check mark

Check mark

Project task assign

Check mark

Check mark


Check mark


Check mark

Check mark


Check mark


Check mark

Check mark



Check mark

Purchase item

Check mark

Check mark

(only non-PO purchase items)

Purchase order

Check mark


Check mark

Purchase request

Check mark

Rate Card

Check mark

Rate Card Item

Check mark

Check mark


Check mark

Check mark

Check mark


Check mark

Check mark


Check mark

Check mark

Resource Profile

Check mark

Check mark

Resource Request

Check mark

Check mark

Resource Request Queue

Check mark

Check mark

Resource Search

Check mark

Check mark

Rev. Recogn. Amount

Check mark

Rev. Recogn. Rule

Check mark

Check mark

Rev. Recogn. Trans.

Check mark

Check mark

Revenue Container

Check mark

Check mark

Revenue Stage

Check mark

Schedule Exception

Check mark

Check mark


Check mark

Check mark

Check mark

ScheduleRequest item

Check mark


Check mark

Check mark

Slip Projection

Check mark

Slip Stage

Check mark

Tag Group

Check mark

Check mark

Tag Group Attribute

Check mark

Check mark

Target Utilization

Check mark

Check mark

Tax Location

Check mark

Tax Rate

Check mark

Time Type

Check mark


Check mark

Check mark

Check mark


Check mark


Check mark

Check mark

Check mark

Timesheet entry

Check mark

Check mark

Timesheet/Timecard entry

Check mark


Check mark


Check mark

Check mark

Check mark

User Project Rate

Check mark

Check mark

User Workschedule

Check mark

Check mark


Check mark

Workspace Link

Check mark

Check mark

Workspace User

Check mark

Check mark