Making Changes to Multiple Employee Records at the Same Time

The bulk employee change wizard enables account administrators and user with the Bulk employee change wizard role permission to copy information from one active employee record to multiple active or inactive employee records.

Examples of use cases and information you can change using the bulk employee change wizard include:

You can copy the information to named employees or to all employees in a department.


Review the following guidelines:

  • Not all the information can be changed using the bulk employee change wizard. You cannot copy the password or primary filter set, for example. If the information you want to change is not available in the bulk employee change wizard, update employee records one by one or consider using OpenAir Integration Manager to update employee records in bulk. For more information about OpenAir Integration Manager, see Integration Manager Overview.

  • The employee you copy the information from must be an active employee. However, you can copy the information to both active and inactive employees.

To make changes to multiple employee records at the same time:

  1. Make the changes to one employee record. To do so, go to Administration > Users > Employees > [Select an employee], make the changes, and click Save. For more information about employee records, see Employees Overview.

  2. Go to Home > Home.

  3. Click Bulk employee change wizard in the Wizards portlet.

    The Bulk User Wizard – Step 1 form appears.

    Bulk employee change wizard form (Step 1).
  4. Select the Employee to copy from. Only active employees are available in the dropdown list.

  5. Under Information to copy, select the information you want to copy from the list in the Available box.

  6. Click Add selected.

  7. Under Copy to, choose Employees to copy the information to selected employees or Departments to all employees in selected departments.

  8. Check the Include inactive employees box if you want to copy the information to inactive employees.

  9. click Next.

    The Bulk User Wizard – Step 2 form appears.

    Bulk employee change wizard form (Step 2).
  10. Select the Employees to copy to or Departments to copy to, select the employees or departments you want to copy the information to from the list in the Available box.

  11. Click Add selected.

  12. Click Run.


    Verify the information, and users or departments you selected before you click run. The changes cannot be undone automatically.

    A confirmation message appears when the operation completes.

  13. Click OK.

    A page summarizing the changes made appears.