Home and Dashboards

Charts are created in the home and dashboard tabs under the Home application. Charts provide a graphical representation of data in saved reports to which an employee has access.

When you have enabled selections on the Employee Demographic form for enhanced user interface and the Administration application view, employees can create and customize graphs available within the Dashboard that display Saved reports. These are available by accessing the Home application and selecting the Dashboard tab. You must also contact OpenAir Customer Support and request the Dynamic Chart Feature if it is already not enabled in your OpenAir account. When enabled, the links and information available for graphs are under the Dashboard tab.


Each report portlet can show a maximum of 2,000 rows of data by default. To increase this limit for your account contact OpenAir Customer Support. Increasing the maximum number of rows may impact performance. You should use filters to reduce the report size so all data show on the portlet.

To create a chart:

  1. Create a Summary, Detail or Utilization report. Go to the Reports application and select a Summary, Detail or Advanced (Resources-Utilization only) report. See Reports.

  2. Modify the report parameters as necessary for you company's needs.

  3. Check the Save this report as... box and enter a report name in the field. Save the report.

  4. Go to Home > Dashboard and select New chart from the Create Button Create icon .

  5. In the New Chart form, enter the Chart type

  6. Enter the Chart Title. This displays on the top of the chart or graph.

  7. Select the specific Saved Report from the drop-down list.

  8. Choose the Report Value. If the Report contains multiple values, you can select multiple Report Values within the chart form when you use one of the following chart types: Line, Horizontal multi-bar or Vertical multi-bar.

  9. To view multiple chart values, select Add to display multiple report values. Choose the sort order (Desc - descending or Asc - ascending) and select the appropriate Display values from the drop-down list.


    The default behavior is to chart the maximum number of values. For multivalue charts, a check box displays to Use grand totals.

  10. You can resize charts within the Dashboard. To resize a chart, click on the lower right corner of a chart and drag to expand.

You can also create charts and graphs under different tabs in the application. For example, you may have one tab for Financial information and another for Utilization information.

To create a new dashboard tab:

  1. Go to Home > Dashboard and select New tab from the Create Button Create icon. The following selections are available:

    • New chart

    • New report

    • New tab

You also have the ability to copy charts and graphs from one Employee to another or to a Department. To do this, use the Bulk employee change wizard. See Wizards.