Attachment File Drag and Drop

This feature lets you add attachments to projects, expense reports and receipts using file drag and drop. After you enable this feature, a new user interface for attachments appears on the project, expense report, and receipt properties forms. Like with the default attachment user interface, you can either attach multiple files from your computer or attach a single workspace document.

To add one or multiple files from your computer as attachments, drag the files to the file attachments box. The attached files appear in the file attachments box and include information about the file (file name, size, date and time uploaded, uploaded by).


The date and time uploaded follows the preferred date format and time zone in your personal settings.

You can also drag a folder from your computer to attach all the files contained in the folder.

After the files are attached the following options are available:


When you create a new project, expense report, or receipt, you can add attachments before you save the form. If you leave the form without saving the changes, the attachments will be saved in OpenAir as unassigned attachments. For more information, see Unassigned Attachments.

If you add attachments using file drag and drop to an existing project, expense report, or receipt, the attachments will be associated with the project, expense report, or receipt even if you do not save the form.

The form shows a maximum of 100 attachments for receipts and 1,000 for expense reports.

The Attachment Viewer and Attachment Thumbnail optional feature extends the functionality of the Attachment File Drag and Drop feature. See Attachment Viewer and Attachment Thumbnail.

Attachments drag and drop UI showing attachments being dragged and showing saved attachments.

To attach a workspace document, select the workspace then select the document. To clear the selected workspace document, click on the clear icon Clear icon.

Attachments drag and drop UI showing the selection of a workspace document as attachment.

Unassigned Attachments

When you create a new project, expense report, or receipt, you can add attachments before you save the form. If you navigate away from the form without saving the changes, the attachments will be saved in OpenAir as unassigned attachments. The next time you open any of your projects, expense reports or receipts, the form will include an unassigned attachments box listing all the attachments that you uploaded and that are not associated with a project, expense report, or receipt.

  • The number of unassigned attachments Number of items indicator. is indicated in the top right corner of the unassigned attachments box.

  • To associate unassigned attachments to the current project, expense report, or receipt, drag the files from the unassigned attachments box to the file attachment box.

  • To associate all unassigned attachments to the current project, expense report, or receipt, click the arrow icon Back arrow in the top right corner of the unassigned attachments box.

  • To delete an unassigned attachment, click the delete icon Delete icon.

  • To delete all unassigned attachments, click the delete icon Delete icon in the top right corner of the unassigned attachments box.

  • To download an unassigned attachment, click the download icon Download icon.

Attachments drag and drop UI showing the Unassigned attachments box.

Viewing and Deleting All Unassigned Attachments Uploaded to the Account

Account administrators can manage unassigned attachments added by all users on the account.

To manage the unassigned attachments, go to Workspace > OpenAir — Unassigned Attachments > Documents. The OpenAir — Unassigned Attachments workspace is created automatically when the first unassigned attachment is added to your account. Only account administrators can view this workspace.

To delete all unassigned attachments

  1. Log in to OpenAir as an account administrator.

  2. Go to Workspace > OpenAir — Unassigned Attachments.

  3. Click Download all documents. A dialog appears.

  4. Check the Delete all documents box.

  5. Click Download. A page appears confirming that all documents in the workspace were deleted. The page also includes a link to a ZIP archive to download all deleted documents.


To save storage space, delete documents from the OpenAir — Unassigned Attachments workspace regularly.


Attachments to an unsaved new project, expense report, or receipt are initially added in to the "OpenAir — Unassigned Attachments" workspace until the user saves the entity form. When deleting all documents in the workspace, you may delete attachments for projects, expense reports and receipts that users are currently working on. Make sure you time unassigned attachment deletion accordingly.

To enable the Attachment File Drag and Drop feature, contact OpenAir Customer Support.