Enable charges to map to NetSuite description items


This feature is available when the Invoices (Invoices) export workflow is used in conjunction with the Customer POs (Sales Orders) import workflow. See Customer POs (Sales Orders) Import Workflow.

Check this box to export information from time (“hourly” or “other” rate) and fixed fee (“flat rate”) charges on the OpenAir invoice as description line items on the NetSuite invoice.

When you are using the Customer POs (Sales Orders) import workflow and this box is checked you can export detailed information from OpenAir time (hourly rate), time (other) or flat rate charges to NetSuite as description line items. To do so, add custom mapping definitions to the mapping groups corresponding to each of the charge types you want to export to description line items.

For more information and examples of custom field mapping definitions for these mapping groups, see Group by Time, Group by Other, and Group by Fee Mapping Groups.


Information from OpenAir charges only export to description line items in NetSuite when all the following conditions are met:

  • The Customer POs (Sales Orders) import workflow is enabled to sales orders from NetSuite into OpenAir as customer POs.

  • Some charges on the invoice (but not necessarily all charges) are associated with a customer PO imported from a NetSuite sales order line. Information from all OpenAir time (hourly rate), time (other) or flat rate charges, including charges that do not reference a customer PO imported from a NetSuite sales order line, exports to description line items based on the charge type.

  • The charge type is “hourly”, “other”, or “flat rate”

  • Valid custom mapping definitions exist for the charge type.