Invoices (Invoices) Export Workflow

The Invoices (Invoices) export workflow lets you create new invoices and follow the approval in OpenAir, and then export approved invoices to NetSuite.

You can export both invoice and project header information to the invoice transaction record. This allows you to export project-specific information stored in standard or custom OpenAir fields, and then to display this information on the invoice header in NetSuite and use this information in reports.

All charges in the OpenAir invoice export to NetSuite as line items on the Items, Billable Items, or Billable Expenses subtabs.

You can import the tax amounts calculated for the exported invoice in NetSuite back into the OpenAir invoice, including GST and PST taxes. Set up the Advanced Taxes accounting feature in NetSuite and enable Tax Options in OpenAir. Set up nexuses in NetSuite for the countries or locations from which taxes will be paid and create or identify the tax codes or tax groups for each nexus. When you export an invoice to NetSuite, taxes on the total amount are calculated in NetSuite and import back to the invoice in OpenAir. See Import taxes applied to exported invoices.


If the SuiteTax is enabled for your NetSuite account, NetSuite OpenAir SRP Integration bundle 369637 (previously 2851) to version 2.11 or later is required in order for the tax amount calculated in NetSuite to be imported into OpenAir. With earlier versions, the tax amount calculated in NetSuite with SuiteTax cannot be imported back into OpenAir.

Note that SuiteTax compatibility testing is currently in progress. You should test the NetSuite <> OpenAir integration with the SuiteTax feature on sandbox accounts before you enable the feature in your NetSuite production account. See Known Limitations of SuiteTax (external link to NetSuite SuiteAnswers). See also Legacy Tax or SuiteTax.

If you use the Customer POs (Sales Orders) import workflow to import sales order from NetSuite into OpenAir as Customer POs, you can use a workflow setting to retrieve invoice information sourced from the sales orders in NetSuite and include this information when exporting invoices from OpenAir to NetSuite. See Initialize invoices from corresponding sales orders when exporting invoices to NetSuite.

For information about workflow specific settings, see Invoices (Invoices) Export Workflow Settings.

For information about field mapping definitions for this workflow, see Invoices (Invoices) Export Field Mapping Definition.


Changes made to invoices and charges in OpenAir after the initial export are not exported to NetSuite. The Invoices (Invoices) export workflow can be used to create new invoices in NetSuite but not to update already integrated invoices.

Requirements and Downstream Dependencies

The Expense Reports (Expense Reports) export workflow must be active — You must export expense reports to export invoices. See Expense Reports (Expense Reports) Export Workflow.

Matching NetSuite service item and OpenAir service records must exist before you can export invoices and credit memos from OpenAir to NetSuite.

Invoice approvals must be enabled to export invoices from OpenAir to NetSuite. The Invoices (Invoices) export workflow is not available otherwise.

After you export an invoice from OpenAir to NetSuite, you can apply credit memos, customer deposits and customer payments against the invoice, and import the information back into OpenAir.

Supported Features

Workflow Settings


Advanced Mapping



Monitored Fields

Check mark

Check mark

(Invoice mapping group)

Check mark

Check mark

(On Approval)

Check mark


Setting up the Invoices (Invoices) Export Workflow

The Invoices (Invoices) workflow is available as standard.

To set up the Invoices (Invoices) export workflow in NetSuite

  1. (Optional) If you want to export OpenAir project header information to the NetSuite invoice, do the following:

    1. In NetSuite, go to Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences.

    2. Clear the Consolidate Projects on Sales Transactions box on the Items/Transactions subtab, under Sales & Pricing.

    3. Click Save.

  2. (Optional) Configure NetSuite to use the OpenAir Invoice number instead of the auto-generated record number for invoices in NetSuite. To do so:

    1. In NetSuite, go to Setup > Company >Auto-Generated Numbers, and click the Document Numbers subtab.

    2. Check the box under the Allow Override column for Invoice. When checked, exported invoices have the same number in both NetSuite and OpenAir.

    3. Click Save.

To set up the Invoices (Invoices) export workflow in OpenAir

  1. Enable invoice approvals in OpenAir. To do so:

    1. In OpenAir, go to Administration > Global settings > Organization > Approval Options.

    2. Check the Enable approvals for invoices box.

    3. Click Save.

  2. Set up the Expense Reports (Expense Reports) export workflow. See Expense Reports (Expense Reports) Export Workflow.

  3. (Optional) If you want to export OpenAir project header information to the NetSuite invoice, do the following:

    1. In OpenAir, go to Administration > Application Settings > Invoices > Other Settings.

    2. Check the One project per invoice box.

    3. Click Save.

  4. (Optional) Set up related workflows and integration features:

  5. In OpenAir, go to Administration > NetSuite Connector > Mapping.

  6. Click New workflow then Invoices (Invoices).

  7. Click Invoices (Invoices) in the list of integration workflows.

  8. Click Workflow settings to view and modify the settings specific to this workflow. For more information about the workflow settings, see Invoices (Invoices) Export Workflow Settings.

  9. Modify the field mapping definition tables for the Invoices (Invoices) export workflow as required. See Mapping OpenAir Fields and NetSuite Fields and Invoices (Invoices) Export Field Mapping Definition.

  10. Click the switch next to the workflow name to activate Active switch set to ON or to deactivate Active switch set to OFF the workflow.

    Default field definition mappings for the Invoices (Invoices) export workflow Invoice mapping group.
  11. Click Save.

  12. (Optional) Add the Invoices (Invoices) export workflow to a workflow group and schedule it to run automatically. See Scheduling the Integration to Run Automatically.