Configuring Result and Error Notification Email

You can also configure OpenAir NetSuite Connector to send notification email after scheduled and manual integration runs.

You can specify different recipients for result email, sent after each run, and error email, sent only if there were errors during the run.

To configure result and error notification email:

  1. In OpenAir, go to Administration > NetSuite Connector > Automate.

  2. Email the results to — Enter a comma–separated list of email addresses you want to send result notification email to after each integration run.

  3. Email the errors to — Enter a comma–separated list of email addresses you want to send error notification email to after an integration run if there were errors during the run.


    You cannot send error notification email without sending result notification email. Error notification email have the subject line “ERROR” and include the integration run log in attachment.

  4. Check the Send HTML email box for enhanced email formatting (if your email client supports HTML emails). HTML notification email show errors in red color.

  5. Check the Email log for manual integration run box to send the full integration run to result and error notification email recipients after each manual integration run. Notification email are sent only for scheduled integration run otherwise.

  6. Click Save.