OpenAir Sandbox

An OpenAir sandbox account is an entirely separate instance of OpenAir from your production account in which you can develop new processes, customizations and integrations. You can use a sandbox account to test and to train your employees in existing integrations and processes without affecting your production account data. The data in the sandbox account is a copy of your production account data at the time the sandbox was created. Each sandbox account can be refreshed to bring in new data from your production account. Each refresh overwrites the previous sandbox account. You can purchase one or several sandbox accounts to allow for development and testing teams to have their own accounts in which to experiment.

Sandbox accounts provide ideal places for:

Actions you take in sandbox accounts have no effect on your OpenAir production account. You can feel free to make changes in a sandbox account without altering your production data.


OpenAir add-on services, API and platform and integration features let you exchange data with external systems. Make sure you connect your OpenAir sandbox account only with other systems in a sandbox environment. Connecting your OpenAir sandbox account with any systems in a production environment could result in a loss of data integrity.


For more information about acquiring one or more sandbox accounts, contact your OpenAir account manager. A sandbox account is created shortly after you purchase a license for a sandbox.

General Guidelines about Sandbox Accounts

Review the following guidelines:

  • To distinguish a sandbox account from your production account, look out for the following:

    • The domain part of the URL in the address bar of your browser indicates the type of account. The account-specific domain for a sandbox account is <company-id>, where <company-id> is a unique account identifier which is typically assigned based on the Company ID for your sandbox account.

    • The OpenAir UI for your sandbox includes the following mention immediately below the page header: This is a copy of <source-account>. It was created at <created>, where <source-account> is the Company ID for the account where the data was copied from, and <created> is the date and time in the Eastern Time (UTC–5) time zone when the sandbox account was created or refreshed.

  • The Company ID for your sandbox account is assigned at the time of purchase. You can change the Company ID at any time (Administration > Global Settings > Organization > Name & Address).

  • The unique account identifier part of the account-specific domain for your sandbox account is assigned based on the Company ID at the time the account is created. It can be changed upon request. To change your account-specific domain, contact OpenAir Customer Support. The new account identifier <company-id> must be unique and include only allowed URL characters.

  • By default, all active employees and guest users accessing your OpenAir production account using an OpenAir user ID and password can access the sandbox account using the same user ID and password. To prevent these employees and guest users from accessing the sandbox account, inactivate them in your sandbox account. Action is required to ensure that active employees using single sign-on to access your OpenAir production account can access your sandbox account. See Actions Required after Sandbox Creation or Refresh.

  • Your sandbox account is an exact copy of the source account at a given date and time. It is not possible to pick and choose what data or configuration settings are copied across from the source account to the target sandbox account. It is not possible to specify the exact time when the source account snapshot should be taken. The snapshot is taken when the sandbox creation task starts, which depends on several factors including account size, server load, and other sandbox refreshes pending in the queue.

  • Your sandbox account can be refreshed using your production account data on demand within your license limits. See Refreshing Sandbox Accounts.

  • You can enable optional features for your sandbox account in the same way you enable optional features for your production account by contacting OpenAir Customer Support. Any features that are enabled on your sandbox account but not on your production account will be cleared when your sandbox account is refreshed.

  • Each add-on service license covers both your sandbox and production accounts. If a feature is part of a licensed add-on service that you have purchased for your production account, you can enable it on your sandbox account too.

  • Functionality availability in your sandbox account is subject to some limitations. Action may be required to ensure the functionality is available after a sandbox is created or refreshed. For more information, see Features Available for Testing in a Sandbox and Actions Required after Sandbox Creation or Refresh.

When a Sandbox Account Expires

Licenses for sandbox accounts have expiration dates. Your sandbox account is canceled when the license for your sandbox expires. Your sandbox account data is deleted from all live and non-live environments six months after the sandbox account cancellation date.


Contact your OpenAir account manager to renew your account before it expires.