Connecting Integration Manager with your OpenAir Account

You must connect Integration Manager with your OpenAir account before you can use Integration Manager to exchange information between OpenAir and CSV files.

All operations you perform with Integration Manager will take place using the login details you enter in the following steps. When you make changes to records in your OpenAir account using Integration Manager, OpenAir records your User ID in the audit trail against these changes.

To connect Integration Manager with your OpenAir account:

  1. In Integration Manager, go to Options > OA Account Settings.

    The OpenAir Settings window appears.

    OpenAir Settings window in Integration Manager.
  2. Enter your OpenAir Company ID, User ID, and Password.

    Check the Remember Password box to store your OpenAir credentials on this computer.

  3. Server — Enter the URL for your OpenAir Account. The server URL includes the domain name for your OpenAir account <account-domain>. For more information about your account-specific domain name, see Your OpenAir Account URLs.


    Usage of the generic domain for integrations and add-on services is no longer supported. Integration Manager 7.0 and later versions use your account-specific domain even if you enter a generic domain such as

  4. Account ID – In most cases, you do not need to enter your OpenAir account ID.

  5. Click OK.


    By clicking the OK button, you understand and agree that the use of Oracle's application is subject to the Terms of Use. Additional details regarding Oracle’s collection and use of your personal information, including information about access, retention, rectification, deletion, security, cross-border transfers and other topics, is available in the Oracle Privacy Policy.