Feature-Specific User Satisfaction Feedback Form

OpenAir uses an optional feedback form to gather feedback about specific features. It will help OpenAir gain understanding and improve the features usability and user experience in future.

The feedback form is currently enabled for the following features:

The feedback form appears after the user has interacted with the feature several times. For example, users will be asked for feedback after running several searches on the Advanced Resource Search, updated profiles several times using the Consolidated Resource Profile, or loading the Compare view several times.

Users can opt out of the survey either by selecting the Don't show me this feedback form again option on the feedback form or by selecting Disable feature-specific survey form in Personal settings. Users can opt in again later by changing the preference in Personal settings.

The feedback form consists of a simple satisfaction question, asking users to rate the feature on a scale.

Users can postpone answering by clicking Show me later or closing the popup window, and the feedback form will pop up again 30 days later.

Feature specific user feedback form.

If the response is either negative (Somewhat dissatisfied / Extremely dissatisfied) or neutral (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied), users are prompted for additional optional feedback.

Feature specific survey additional feedback form.

After the user submits the form, a message displays to thank users for their feedback and the answers are stored. Users will not be prompted again for feedback on the same feature unless significant changes have been made to the feature and feedback is required to measure whether these changes have improved the feature for end users.

The feature-specific user satisfaction responses data can be downloaded using Administration > Global Settings > Account > Integration: Import/Export > Export All data in MySQL format or Administration > Global Settings > Account > Automatic Backup Service.


The feature-specific user satisfaction survey can be disabled for your account. To disable this feature, contact OpenAir Customer Support.