Expense Attachments in OpenAir Mobile

OpenAir mobile lets you view, add and edit multiple attachments to an open or rejected expense report, or to a receipt therein, at any time before you submit the expense report for approval.

See also Working with Image Attachments on Expense Reports Receipts and Receipt drafts.


It is not possible to add, delete, or edit attachments associated with a receipt or expense report that is submitted for approval or approved.

Expenses attachments


Attachments tab — The attachment tab on the expense report or receipt screen lets you view or add attachments associated with the expense report or receipt. Attachments are listed in reverse date order (most recently added attachment first).


Attachment thumbnail — The attachment thumbnail includes the following information:

  • A small preview of the attachment, if the attachment file is saved on the device, or the text "Tap to download" if the attachment file is not saved on the device.

  • The file name, date and size of the attachment.

On iPhone, you can tap the more icon More icon in OpenAir Mobile to access the following actions:

  • To edit the attachment, tap Edit. For more information, see Image Attachment Editing Tools.

  • To view the attachment, tap View.

  • To share the attachment, tap Share.

  • To delete the attachment, tap Delete.

On Android, you can tap the attachment thumbnail to access the following actions:

  • To edit the attachment, tap Edit. For more information, see Image Attachment Editing Tools.

  • To delete the attachment, tap the delete icon at the toolbar Delete icon at the toolbar.

  • To share the attachment, tap the share icon at the toolbar Share icon toolbar.


Bulk actions — You can delete multiple attachments at the same time:

  • On the Attachment tab, tap Select (iPhone) or the select icon Select icon on Andoid(Android) in the top right corner of the screen.

  • Tap to select the attachments from the grid.

  • Tap the delete icon Delete icon on Android on the toolbar.


Actions toolbar— You can perform some actions directly from the Attachments tab toolbar.

  • Tap the download icon Donload icon to download all the attachments. You can also download attachments individually by tapping each attachment thumbnail.

  • Tap the camera icon Camera icon on iPhone to take a picture and add it as an attachment.

  • Tap the gallery icon Gallery icon to select files from your device and attach them to the expense report or receipt. You can select multiple files.

  • Tap the cloud icon Cloud icon on iPhone (iPhone) or documents icon File icon on Android (Android) to select a file on iCloud or documents on your device.

Image Attachment Editing Tools

OpenAir lets you edit the attachments using image attachment editing tools.

Edit screen attachments screen for iPhone and Android


Top bar — Tap Done to save the changes and return to the Attachments tab. Tap Cancel (iPhone) or the cancel icon Cancel icon on Android (Android).


Image edit actions toolbar — You can edit the images directly from the toolbar. To edit an attachment:

  • To adjust the brightness of the image. tap the brightness sliders Brightness icon in OpenAir Mobile for Android .

  • To adjust the contrast of the image, tap the contrast sliders Contrast icon in OpenAir Mobile for Android .

  • Tap the rotation icons to rotate the image to the left Rotation to the left icon in OpenAir Mobile for Android or to rotate the image to the right Rotation to the right icon in OpenAir Mobile for Android.

  • Tap the crop icon to adjust the size of the image Crop icon.

    Tap Reset button to reset any changes.

On iPhone :

  • You can automatically adjust the contrast and brightness of the image with the auto adjust icon Auto Adjust icon in OpenAir Mobile for iPhone.

  • You can alter the orientation of the image and direct it to any direction and degree with the orientation icon Crop button in OpenAir Mobile.

On Android:

  • You can alter the orientation of the image from left to right Flip icon for Android and from up to down Flip icon for Android with the flip icons.


At any time you can tap Cancel and then Discard to discard any changes and return to the attachments screen.