Defining Custom Fields

To define a custom field:

  1. Go to Administration > Global Settings > Custom Fields > [select or create a custom field].

    The custom field form appears.

    Custom field properties form.
  2. Type the Field name. This is required and must be unique. The name cannot have any spaces, but you can use underscores. The name can not start with a number. The Field name is used internally and maybe used in reports, API calls and user scripts.


    Changing the name of a custom field that is in use may break existing reports, integrations, and user scripts.

  3. Check the Active box.


    If Active in not checked then it will not be visible in OpenAir and will not be available on forms, reports or API calls. You can check active again to bring it back. Clearing the Active box will not delete any data stored for it in the database


    Custom fields cannot be deleted if they have been used. If you no longer need a custom field you can set it as not Active.

  4. Type a Description. This is optional and is used for adding information about the new custom field. You will see the description when you go to Administration > Global Settings > Custom Fields. See Creating and Modifying Custom Fields.


    If you do not enter a description then the text ”No Description” will be displayed.

  5. Type the Display name (maximum 75 characters). This is required and is used to label the custom field on the form associated with the entity.

  6. If required, type a Hint (maximum 75 characters) to help your OpenAir users understand the intent of the custom field.

  7. Fill out the specific fields for the selected type of custom files. See Custom Field Types for details.

  8. If you check the Hide on data entry forms box, this custom field does not display on the form.

  9. If you check the Add notes box, a text box displays under the custom field for users to add any additional notes.

  10. Set the Divider and Divider text as required, see Dividers and Sections.


The Position drop-down is available after you have saved a new custom field. You can then modify the custom field to set the position. See Custom Field Position.