Reports Status

The Reports status page provides you with an overview of report statuses and details. This is a report management tool that lets you monitor the status of reports and take action on long running reports impacting performance, stale reports, etc.

It consists of three views.


Reports status list

From the All view you can see details on how reports are being used in your account.

You can also select one or more reports and run a bulk action to:

  • Delete the selected report

  • Remove the selected report from schedule

  • Change the report owner

You can also change the report owner from the Report owner section on each saved report.

Saved reports properties form


Report status

From the Running view you can see all the details for the reports that are currently running.

You can also select one or more reports and run a bulk action to Stop the selected report.


Maintenance view

From the Maintenance view you can see all the active scheduled reports with inactive owners. This tab is available for administrators to clean their active scheduled reports.