Reporting Options

Reporting Options settings provide system-wide controls on the appearance of reports and functions available in within the Reports application. In the following steps, we address the Options tab, which lets you configure the Global report options form. These Global report options affect the appearance of reports.

To view company report-related switches in Global Settings, see Reporting Options.

To set Global Report options:

  1. Go to Reports > Options.

  2. Select the Weekly and Bi-weekly report columns starts on. The default is Monday.

  3. Select the Date to use in column titles: Use starting date or Employee ending date.

  4. Designate how to handle settings when a value is not applicable in the report context.

  5. Enter Display settings to wrap multi-line text fields at. The default is 50.

  6. Select Adobe Acrobat PDF settings and identify other page display properties.

  7. Enter Font size and select Grid style

  8. Identify Multiple currencies you want to report on.

  9. Click Save.

Reporting options settings