Custom Email Notifications

Within the OpenAir application, there are many events that can occur where it may be beneficial to send an email notification to a user. For example, when a user is assigned to a task within a project, the project manager may choose to notify the user of this assignment. Or, if a booking has been created for a resource on a project, the booked user may be notified of the booking. In some cases, it may be beneficial to send a notification based on specific criteria. It may also be helpful to send the notification to select users as well as customize the body of the email to include additional information about the event.

This feature extends existing email notifications functionality. Within each application setting, there is a new Notifications area where the criteria, recipients, and email body can be configured. For example, a notification may be configured such that a new booking notification will only be sent to the booked user if the booking type is set to Requested. In addition to configuring the criteria, users can be selected as recipients of the email. The email body can be customized to include additional text as well. Multiple notifications may be configured.


email notifications are available in Application Settings for Expenses, Invoices, Projects, Resources and Timesheets. The notifications can be triggered by specific events — for example on booking creation, modification, deletion, approval, submission, rejection and approval request for the Resources application.

To enable this feature, contact OpenAir Customer Support.