Optionally View and Assign Revenue Hours for Recognition Transactions

Typically, an "As billed" or "Time project billing" recognition rule is created to generate the total revenue amount based on hourly charges. In addition to seeing the total recognized revenue, it is beneficial to view the total recognized hours specifically for transactions generated from hourly charges. This feature adds two enhancements to the revenue recognition functionality which allow users to view and modify revenue hours for recognition transactions.

The ability to display the revenue hours for each recognition transaction has been enabled for all accounts. To disable the display of revenue hours, users with the appropriate role privileges go to Projects > Projects > [select a project] > Financials > Recognition. Select the "As billed" or "Time project billing" rule and clear the Populate hours in recognition transactions box. This functionality can be disabled on a per rule basis. At times it may be necessary to create a manual transaction with varying revenue hours or edit an existing system generated transaction. For companies that allow users to manually create revenue recognition transactions, time (in hours and minutes) can be entered for each transaction.


Form permissions have been added to the revenue recognition transaction form. Time for existing recognition transactions can also be modified.

To enable this feature, contact OpenAir Customer Support.