Exclude Specific Values from Filters in Reports

OpenAir reporting permits great flexibility in providing key information to users and managers. In addition to selecting a multitude of reporting values, users can configure filters within a report to limit the items that need to be included in the report. For example, if running a utilization report, managers may choose to only report on the utilization value for full-time employees. To do this, users would click on the Resource filter on the report edit form and include the individual users that should be displayed in the report results. For some companies, there may be a larger number of full-time employees than part-time employees and therefore managers may wish to exclude the part-time employees from the report rather than include all full-time employees.

Furthermore, new full-time employees may continue to be hired. This feature adds the ability for users to select an option to exclude values from specific filters in a report. In the aforementioned example, a user may wish to exclude part-time employees. Thus, all existing and newly hired full-time employees will automatically be included in the report results.

To enable this feature, contact OpenAir Customer Support.

Filters and detail fields section of the report properties form with the option to exclude selected items.