Push Microsoft Project File to an Existing Project in OpenAir

You can push a Microsoft Project file to a locked project or an empty (a project with no tasks or phases) in OpenAir. This allows you to edit the project file in Microsoft Project and then push the updates to OpenAir while using OpenAir's capability to keep track of hours worked, approved, and billed for that project.


Always use drag and drop when editing a Microsoft Project file, and never delete a task from Microsoft Project that has OpenAir transactions associated with it.

To push a Microsoft Project file to a locked or empty project in OpenAir:

  1. Open the Microsoft Project file you wish to push to OpenAir.

  2. Click the OpenAir ToolBar, select Account Settings, and enter your OpenAir account information. Refer to Account Settings for more information.

  3. Click the OpenAir ToolBar and select Push to OpenAir.

    Retrieving account information window displays.

    OpenAir Import Settings window displays with settings from the previous task.


    Depending on your OpenAir company settings for filtering resources based on booking status, a prompt may display asking if you would like to populate available resources in Microsoft Project. Click Yes to have booked users available as resources in Microsoft Project.

  4. Select the check box to Import to existing OpenAir project.

    The name of the customer and project display in gray color when the check box is selected to Import to existing OpenAir project. The file name is the Microsoft Project file name that was originally pushed to OpenAir.

    OpenAir Import Settings window in Microsoft Project using the OpenAir toolbar add-in.
  5. Select the check box to Lock OpenAir project. (Future edits in MS Project). This ensures you can maintain the project in Microsoft Project and push updates to OpenAir.

  6. Change any resource mapping or advanced settings. Refer to Push Microsoft Project file to a New Project in OpenAir for information on mapping OpenAir and Microsoft Project resources and advanced settings.

  7. Click Check Schedules.

    The following message displays when there are no schedule differences. If there are differences, a schedule exception message displays.

    Dialog confirming no schedule conflicts were found in Microsoft Project using the OpenAir toolbar add-in.
  8. Click OK. If you attempt to import an unlinked Microsoft Project to a project in OpenAir that is not empty (has no tasks or phases), a message displays.

    Import to non-empty project error dialog in Microsoft Project using the OpenAir toolbar add-in.
  9. Click OK to close the message.


    If you want to update this unlocked project in OpenAir, you need to pull a new copy of it into Microsoft Project and lock the project in OpenAir when you pull it into Microsoft Project. Once you have updated that file, you can push it to the same project file in OpenAir. Refer to Pull a Project from OpenAir in to Microsoft Project.

  10. If you do not select the check box to Import to an existing OpenAir project but select Lock OpenAir project, a message displays warning you that the association between the Microsoft Project file created with the existing project in OpenAir will be broken and no longer usable.

    Microsoft Project file already associated with a project in OpenAir warning dialog in Microsoft Project using the OpenAir toolbar add-in.
  11. Click No to maintain the association between the Microsoft Project file and existing project file. If you want to push it and create a new file, click Yes.