Other Settings

The Expenses application has many configurable parts including add-on functionality and interaction with how you are performing your resource and project management.

To access the Expenses Other settings:

  1. Go to Administration > Application Settings > Expenses > Other settings.

Allow an approver to edit a submitted expense report: When expense report approvals are used, expense reports are submitted for review by a defined employee who then approves or rejects the expense report. To avoid time delays introduced by having the reviewer reject an expense report then the owner fixing and resubmitting the expense report activating this option gives the reviewer the ability to edit the expense report receipts directly before continuing with an approval.

Require a customer selection on receipts: If you have displayed Customers : Projects (and possibly Customers only depending on the show customer name option) for entry on the receipt form or expense worksheet, this option lets you make this field required for all employees.

Require an expense item selection on receipts: This option requires employees to always select an expense item instead of submitting expenses against a project without an expense item. Expense items must be configured and at least one expense item must be active. If no expense items exist or all are inactive, then this option has no impact. See Expense Items.

Require a payment type selection on receipts: This option requires employees to always select a payment type before saving a receipt. Payment types must be configured and at least one payment type must be active. If no payment types exist or all are inactive, then this option has no impact. See Payment Types.

The 'Company paid' payment type is always non-reimbursable: The Company paid payment type has special treatment with this option. Payment type and Reimbursable drop-down lists may be displayed on a receipt with each value set independently. Activating this option ensures the selection of the Company Paid payment type sets the Reimbursable value to Non‑reimbursable.


To use this feature, you must create a payment type exactly named “Company paid”.

Hide the payment type drop-down on receipts: The payment type field is available on each receipt. Setting this option hides the field from data entry.

Enable expense authorizations: The expense authorization feature lets employees request approval for an anticipated expense. When activated, another tab displays in the Expenses application named Authorization. Employees may create and submit expense authorizations citing the anticipated expense and expected amount. The authorization can then be submitted and reviewed through a defined expense authorization approval process. When approved, an expense authorization may then be included on an expense report to show pre-authorization of the expense.

Allow an approver to edit a submitted expense authorization: When expense authorization approvals are used, expense authorizations are submitted for review by a defined employee who then approves or rejects the expense authorization. To avoid time delays introduced by having the reviewer reject an expense authorization then the owner fixing and resubmitting, activating this option gives the reviewer the ability to edit the expense authorization entries directly before continuing with an approval.

Hide the "Advanced required" field on expense authorizations: The Advanced required field is available on each authorization to allow employees to note that a cash advance is required to complete the expense purchase. Setting this option hides the field from data entry.

Hide the "Reimbursable/Non-reimbursable" drop-down on receipts: The Reimbursable/Non-reimbursable field is available on each receipt. Setting this option hides the field from data entry. If you display the payment type on expense receipts, you may want to include this field as well or allow the payment type of handle the designation of reimbursable/non-reimbursable.

Hide the "Expense item location" field on receipts: The Expense item location text field is available on each receipt to allow employees to note the location of the expense such as the destination of an airline ticket to complete the receipt entry. Setting this option hides the field from data entry.

Hide the "Vendor" field on receipts: The Vendor field is available on each receipt to allow employees to note what vendor will be supplying the specific expense item. Setting this option hides the field from data entry. Vendors must exist in your OpenAir account and have at least one active if Vendor is displayed on receipt. See Vendors.

Hide the "Cash advance" field on expense reports: The Cash advance field is available on each receipt to allow employees to note the amount of a cash advance provided by the company for the specific expense item. Setting this option hides the field from data entry. If authorizations are used and the 'Advanced required' field is displayed on the authorization, including this field on the receipt permits a process check within accounting.

Allow receipts to be associated with tasks: In addition to submitting an expense against a Customer : Project, you may allow employees to enter receipts against a specific task. This is useful if you are tracking deliverables and the cost involved in completing the deliverable such as postage and reproduction costs. If you select this option, a task drop-down list displays on each receipt.

Require a task selection on receipts: If you have selected the option to allow tasks to be associated with a receipt, then this option lets you make the task drop-down selection required instead of optional.

Make the exp report tracking number read-only: OpenAir starts the expense report numbering at 1 and increments it by 1 for each new expense report. The expense report number may be edited unless this option is selected, thereby making the field read-only.

Allow non-billable receipts: The receipt form displays a billable check box if this option is selected. This lets employees note that the receipt billable or not.

Do not default receipts to the current date: The date field on receipts defaults to the current date unless this option is selected. When this option is selected, the date field is left blank and is a required field for entry before a receipt form can be completed.

Show only customers and projects with open tasks assigned to the employee: Tasks have an open/closed flag to provide project managers control over completed or in-progress service on a project. Depending on how you are assigned or allocated to projects and tasks for expense entry, the activation of this option shows you only a Customer : Project with open tasks available to you for expense entry.

Show only customers and projects with open tasks booked to the employee: Tasks have an open/closed flag to provide Project Managers control over completed or in progress service on a project. Depending on how you are booked to projects and tasks for expense entry, the activation of this option shows only Customer : Project with open tasks that you are booked for available for expense entry. If this option is not enabled, then any Customer : Project with tasks booked to you for expense entry is displayed including those with all closed tasks. This, in turn, permits the entry of expenses against closed project tasks.


If the Access All Tasks optional feature is enabled for your account, employees have access to, and can enter expenses against all tasks in the project if they are booked to an open task in this project. See Access All Tasks.

Do not auto-populate description field on receipts: The description field on receipts is an additional text field to the notes field. By default, it displays the name of the selected expense item or is blank if you do not require an expense item on the receipt. Selecting this option keeps the description field blank regardless of the expense item selected.

Enable line item rejections of receipts: If you have enabled expense report approvals, the expense report is submitted and reviewed/approved using the expense report approval process. By default, all receipts are included in an expense report rejection. Activation of this option enables each receipt to be individually rejected if necessary to expedite the expense approval. Rejected receipts are removed from the approved expense report and placed into a newly created expense report entitled Rejected receipts from xxxx where xxxx is the expense report name of the original expense report. The newly created expense report must be submitted by the expense report owner for re-review after correcting the issue which caused the rejection.

Enable the missing paper receipt feature: When you enable this feature, a Missing paper receipt check box displays on the receipt form or worksheet. This feature is useful to Accounts Payable if you submit receipts with the expense report and a reconciliation effort is done against the receipts entered on the expense report.

Always display the "Save and create another" button on receipts: A Save button is displayed at the bottom of the receipt form. Selection of this option also displays a 'Save and create another' button next to the save button, which enables quick creation of receipts.

Minimum amount required to submit an expense report: Expense reports by default can be submitted for any amount. If your policies require a minimum, enter the amount in this field. The default currency setting of your OpenAir account is used to define the currency type of this amount field, for example, USD.

Foreign currency receipt type: This field setting lets you designate how exchange rates are used on Foreign Currency receipts.

Foreign current receipt markup (%): Entry of a value in this field applies a markup to Foreign Currency receipts. The percentage value to enter is an integer value, for example, enter 5 for 5 percent. Markups are useful if you are using a non-modifiable Foreign Currency receipt type setting, but your account wishes to reimburse or bill a higher amount to cover conversion costs.

Default to expense worksheet when viewing an expense report: The expense worksheet is an alternate way to enter receipts into an expense report. When you select this option, OpenAir automatically displays the expense worksheet after employees create an expense report instead of displaying the receipts form.

Default expense worksheet quantity to 1 for new receipts: The quantity field is left blank for entry on the expense worksheet. When this option is selected, the quantity field is populated with a default value of 1, which lets employees tab over the field if this quantity is valid for the receipt row being entered. This saves time on data entry.

Add receipt custom fields to expense worksheet: If you have created custom fields for receipts, you may also have these fields display on the expense worksheet for data entry. The custom fields are not automatically included in the expense worksheet unless this checkbox is selected.

Enable the "Save and Submit" button on expense worksheet: A Save and Submit button appears on the bottom of the expense worksheet.

Lock expense worksheet columns during horizontal scroll: Locks the columns on the expense worksheet to allow horizontal scrolling to keep left-most data visible. The numbers in the drop-down list relate to column numbers, for example, Number 2 relates to column 2 on the expense worksheet.

Expenses are paid by: A specific employee may be designated in this field. That employee will receive an email when any expense report in the system is fully approved.