Booking Types

Booking types entities form.

Booking Types provides you with the ability to group bookings or booking requests into distinct classifications. For example, a Hard booking type may indicate that the contract has been signed and a resource is needed for a specific time frame. While a Soft booking type can indicate that the contract has not been signed and the need is tentative. You can create booking types based on your company's needs and terminology. We recommend that you use booking types that align with a pipeline maturity or project lifecycle since updates are consistent with the state of the project or opportunity. For example, a proposed project with Soft bookings is signed and all bookings should be converted to Hard bookings. This requires a manual update. If you do not have the resources to maintain this data, then you may want to avoid using booking types.

To create a Booking Type:

  1. Go to Administration > Application Settings > Resources > Booking types.

  2. Select New Booking type from the Create Button.

  3. Enter the Booking type name and priority, if needed. Priority may be displayed on booking reports to identify a level of priority.

  4. Restrict booking editing by role — To restrict the ability to edit or create bookings of this booking type, select the roles from the Available column and click Add selected. Users with the Selected roles will not be able to edit or create bookings of this booking type. Bookings of this booking type will not show in the Advanced Booking Worksheet for these users.

  5. Add Notes to describe the use of booking types in your company's OpenAir environment. Booking types can be inactivated or reactivated at any time.

  6. Click Save.