
The Workspaces application provides employees with an area to store project-related documents and share them with other team members. The workspace owner control who can access the workspace area by granting workspace membership to individual employees, assignment groups, or all employees. The workspace owner can control members access rights as read-only, read/write, or administrator.

After you create a workspace, you can add a discussion thread. The discussion could be about anything related to the workspace such as a project, for example. You can also add documents, and edit the properties of the workspace. You can search workspace documents and discussions using keywords.

You can manage alerts for documents and discussions by selecting the events that trigger an alert and designate members who receive the alert. You can check the "Exclude alerts" on by default box to disable alerts by default for all documents and discussions in a workspace.

You can set up an Account storage alert that will notify you when a certain percentage of your account storage capacity is used.