
This topic provides the list of possible values for the standard field in the transactionForm SDF custom object.

Possible Values

You may need to update the SuiteCloud project manifest depending on the value you specify for a list field. When specifying a mandatory list field with a feature-dependent value, that feature must be added to the SuiteCloud project manifest as a required feature.

  • STANDARDASSEMBLYBUILD (This value has a dependency on the ASSEMBLIES feature.)

  • STANDARDASSEMBLYUNBUILD (This value has a dependency on the ASSEMBLIES feature.)

  • STANDARDBILLPAYMENT (This value has a dependency on the PAYABLES feature.)

  • STANDARDBOM (This value has a dependency on the WORKORDERS feature.)

  • STANDARDCASHREFUND (This value has a dependency on the BUSINESS feature.)

  • STANDARDCASHSALE (This value has a dependency on the BUSINESS feature.)

  • STANDARDCUSTOMERPAYMENT (This value has a dependency on the RECEIVABLES feature.)

  • STANDARDDROPSHIPPURCHASEORDER (This value has a dependency on the PURCHASEORDERS feature.)

  • STANDARDESTIMATE (This value has a dependency on the ESTIMATES feature.)

  • STANDARDFINANCECHARGE (This value has a dependency on the RECEIVABLES feature.)


  • STANDARDONLINEESTIMATE (This value has a dependency on the ESTIMATES feature.)

  • STANDARDONLINEORDERCASHSALE (This value has a dependency on the SALESORDERS feature.)

  • STANDARDONLINEORDERINVOICE (This value has a dependency on the SALESORDERS feature.)

  • STANDARDONLINEPAYMENT (This value has a dependency on the RECEIVABLES feature.)

  • STANDARDOPPORTUNITY (This value has a dependency on the OPPORTUNITIES feature.)

  • STANDARDPRODUCTINVOICE (This value has a dependency on the RECEIVABLES feature.)

  • STANDARDPROFESSIONALINVOICE (This value has a dependency on the RECEIVABLES feature.)

  • STANDARDPROGRESSINVOICE (This value has a dependency on the SALESORDERS feature.)

  • STANDARDPURCHASEORDER (This value has a dependency on the PURCHASEORDERS feature.)

  • STANDARDREQUESTFORQUOTE (This value has a dependency on the RFQ feature.)

  • STANDARDRETURNREQUESTCASH (This value has a dependency on the RETURNAUTHS feature.)

  • STANDARDSALESORDER (This value has a dependency on the SALESORDERS feature.)

  • STANDARDSALESORDERCASHSALE (This value has a dependency on the SALESORDERS feature.)

  • STANDARDSALESORDERINVOICE (This value has a dependency on the SALESORDERS feature.)

  • STANDARDSALESORDERPROGRESSBILLING (This value has a dependency on the SALESORDERS feature.)

  • STANDARDSERVICEINVOICE (This value has a dependency on the RECEIVABLES feature.)

  • STANDARDWORKORDERCLOSE (This value has a dependency on the MFGWORKINPROCESS feature.)

  • STANDARDWORKORDERCOMPLETION (This value has a dependency on the MFGWORKINPROCESS feature.)

  • STANDARDWORKORDERISSUE (This value has a dependency on the MFGWORKINPROCESS feature.)

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