
Possible Values

You may need to update the SuiteCloud project manifest depending on the value you specify for a list field. When specifying a mandatory list field with a feature-dependent value, that feature must be added to the SuiteCloud project manifest as a required feature.

  • BANKBAL (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • COGS (This value has a dependency on the INVENTORY feature.)

  • CREDITCARDBAL (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • DEFERREDREVENUE (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • EQUITY (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • EXPENSES (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • FIXEDASSET (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • INCOME (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • INTTURNOVRPERPERIOD (This value has a dependency on the SUPPLYCHAINCONTROLTOWER feature.)

  • INVENTORY (This value has a dependency on the INVENTORY feature.)

  • LONGTERMLIAB (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • NETCASHFLOW (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)



  • ONTIMERECEIPTS (This value has a dependency on the SUPPLYCHAINCONTROLTOWER feature.)

  • ONTIMESHIPMENTS (This value has a dependency on the SUPPLYCHAINCONTROLTOWER feature.)

  • OPERATINGEXPENSES (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • OPERCASHFLOW (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • OTHERASSET (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • OTHERCURRENTASSET (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • OTHERCURRENTLIAB (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • PAYABLES (This value has a dependency on the PAYABLES feature.)

  • PAYROLL (This value has a dependency on the PAYROLL feature.)

  • PROFIT (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • RECEIVABLES (This value has a dependency on the RECEIVABLES feature.)

  • REVENUE (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • SALES (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • SALESCASHBASIS (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

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General Notices