
Possible Values

You may need to update the SuiteCloud project manifest depending on the value you specify for a list field. When specifying a mandatory list field with a feature-dependent value, that feature must be added to the SuiteCloud project manifest as a required feature.

  • ASSEMBLY_BUILD (This value has a dependency on the ASSEMBLIES feature.)

  • ASSEMBLY_UNBUILD (This value has a dependency on the ASSEMBLIES feature.)

  • BALANCING_JOURNAL (This value has a dependency on the BALANCING_JOURNALS feature.)

  • BILL (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • BILL_CREDIT (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • BILL_PAYMENT (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • BIN_PUTAWAY_WORKSHEET (This value has a dependency on the BINMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • BIN_TRANSFER (This value has a dependency on the BINMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • BLANKET_PURCHASE_ORDER (This value has a dependency on the BLANKETPURCHASEORDERS feature.)

  • CASH_REFUND (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • CASH_SALE (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • CCARD_REFUND (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • CHECK (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • COMMISSION (This value has a dependency on the PARTNEREMPLOYEECOMMISSN feature.)

  • CREDIT_CARD (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • CREDIT_MEMO (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • CROSS_CHARGE_JOURNAL (This value has a dependency on the INTERCOMPANYFRAMEWORK feature.)

  • CURRENCY_REVALUATION (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • CUSTOM (This value has a dependency on the CUSTOMTRANSACTIONS feature.)

  • CUSTOMER_DEPOSIT (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • CUSTOMER_PAYMENT_AUTHORIZATION (This value has a dependency on the SPLITTENDER feature.)

  • CUSTOMER_REFUND (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • DEPOSIT (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • DEPOSIT_APPLICATION (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • DEPRECATED_CUSTOM_TRANSACTION (This value has a dependency on the CUSTOMTRANSACTIONS feature.)

  • ESTIMATE (This value has a dependency on the ESTIMATES feature.)

  • EXPENSE_REPORT (This value has a dependency on the EXPREPORTS feature.)

  • FINANCE_CHARGE (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • FULFILLMENT_REQUEST (This value has a dependency on the FULFILLMENTREQUEST feature.)

  • GL_IMPACT_ADJUSTMENT (This value has a dependency on the GLAUDITNUMBERING feature.)

  • INBOUND_SHIPMENT (This value has a dependency on the INBOUNDSHIPMENT feature.)

  • INVENTORY_ADJUSTMENT (This value has a dependency on the INVENTORY feature.)

  • INVENTORY_COST_REVALUATION (This value has a dependency on the STANDARDCOSTING feature.)

  • INVENTORY_COUNT (This value has a dependency on the INVENTORYCOUNT feature.)

  • INVENTORY_DISTRIBUTION (This value has a dependency on the MULTILOCINVT feature.)

  • INVENTORY_STATUS_CHANGE (This value has a dependency on the INVENTORYSTATUS feature.)

  • INVENTORY_TRANSFER (This value has a dependency on the MULTILOCINVT feature.)

  • INVENTORY_WORKSHEET (This value has a dependency on the INVENTORY feature.)

  • INVOICE (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • INVOICE_GROUP (This value has a dependency on the INVOICEGROUP feature.)

  • ITEM_FULFILLMENT (This value has a dependency on the ADVSHIPPING feature.)

  • ITEM_RECEIPT (This value has a dependency on the ADVRECEIVING feature.)

  • JOURNAL (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • LIABILITY_ADJUSTMENT (This value has a dependency on the PAYROLL feature.)

  • NETTING_SETTLEMENT (This value has a dependency on the INTERCOMPANYFRAMEWORK feature.)

  • OPPORTUNITY (This value has a dependency on the OPPORTUNITIES feature.)

  • ORDER_RESERVATION (This value has a dependency on the SALESCHANNELALLOCATION feature.)

  • OWNERSHIP_TRANSFER (This value has a dependency on the INBOUNDSHIPMENT feature.)

  • PAYCHECK (This value has a dependency on the PAYROLL feature.)

  • PAYCHECK_JOURNAL (This value has a dependency on the PAYCHECKJOURNAL feature.)

  • PAYMENT (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • PAYROLL_ADJUSTMENT (This value has a dependency on the PAYROLL feature.)

  • PAYROLL_LIABILITY_CHECK (This value has a dependency on the PAYROLL feature.)

  • PERIOD_END_JOURNAL (This value has a dependency on the PERIODENDJOURNALENTRIES feature.)

  • PURCHASE-TYPE_CUSTOM_TRANSACTION (This value has a dependency on the CUSTOMTRANSACTIONS feature.)

  • PURCHASE_CONTRACT (This value has a dependency on the PURCHASECONTRACTS feature.)

  • PURCHASE_ORDER (This value has a dependency on the PURCHASEORDERS feature.)

  • REQUEST_FOR_QUOTE (This value has a dependency on the RFQ feature.)

  • REQUISITION (This value has a dependency on the REQUISITIONS feature.)

  • RETURN_AUTHORIZATION (This value has a dependency on the RETURNAUTHS feature.)

  • REVENUE_ARRANGEMENT (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDREVENUERECOGNITION feature.)

  • REVENUE_COMMITMENT (This value has a dependency on the REVENUECOMMITMENTS feature.)

  • REVENUE_COMMITMENT_REVERSAL (This value has a dependency on the REVENUECOMMITMENTS feature.)

  • REVENUE_CONTRACT (This value has a dependency on the UNIFIEDREVENUERECOGNITION feature.)

  • SALES-TYPE_CUSTOM_TRANSACTION (This value has a dependency on the CUSTOMTRANSACTIONS feature.)

  • SALES_ORDER (This value has a dependency on the SALESORDERS feature.)

  • SALES_TAX_PAYMENT (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • STATEMENT_CHARGE (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • STORE_PICKUP_FULFILLMENT (This value has a dependency on the STOREPICKUP feature.)

  • SYSTEM_JOURNAL (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)



  • TEGATA_PAYABLE (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • TEGATA_RECEIVABLE (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • TRANSFER (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • TRANSFER_ORDER (This value has a dependency on the MULTILOCINVT feature.)

  • VENDOR_PREPAYMENT (This value has a dependency on the VENDORPREPAYMENTS feature.)

  • VENDOR_PREPAYMENT_APPLICATION (This value has a dependency on the VENDORPREPAYMENTS feature.)

  • VENDOR_REQUEST_FOR_QUOTE (This value has a dependency on the RFQ feature.)

  • VENDOR_RETURN_AUTHORIZATION (This value has a dependency on the VENDORRETURNAUTHS feature.)

  • WAVE (This value has a dependency on the WMSSYSTEM feature.)

  • WORK_ORDER (This value has a dependency on the WORKORDERS feature.)

  • WORK_ORDER_CLOSE (This value has a dependency on the MFGWORKINPROCESS feature.)

  • WORK_ORDER_COMPLETION (This value has a dependency on the MFGWORKINPROCESS feature.)

  • WORK_ORDER_ISSUE (This value has a dependency on the MFGWORKINPROCESS feature.)

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