
Possible Values

You may need to update the SuiteCloud project manifest depending on the value you specify for a list field. When specifying a mandatory list field with a feature-dependent value, that feature must be added to the SuiteCloud project manifest as a required feature.

  • -10

  • -100

  • -101 (This value has a dependency on the CLASSES feature.)

  • -102 (This value has a dependency on the DEPARTMENTS feature.)

  • -103 (This value has a dependency on the LOCATIONS feature.)

  • -104 (This value has a dependency on the SFA feature.)

  • -105 (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTINGPERIODS feature.)

  • -106

  • -108 (This value has a dependency on the SFA feature.)

  • -109

  • -110 (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • -111

  • -112 (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • -113 (This value has a dependency on the ISSUEDB feature.)

  • -114 (This value has a dependency on the ISSUEDB feature.)

  • -115 (This value has a dependency on the ISSUEDB feature.)

  • -116 (This value has a dependency on the ISSUEDB feature.)

  • -117 (This value has a dependency on the SUBSIDIARIES feature.)

  • -118

  • -119

  • -120

  • -121 (This value has a dependency on the PROMOCODES feature.)

  • -122 (This value has a dependency on the MULTICURRENCY feature.)

  • -123

  • -124

  • -125

  • -126

  • -127 (This value has a dependency on the ADVTAXENGINE feature.)

  • -128 (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • -129 (This value has a dependency on the WORKFLOW feature.)

  • -131 (This value has a dependency on the MARKETING feature.)

  • -132 (This value has a dependency on the SUPPORT feature.)

  • -133 (This value has a dependency on the ISSUEDB feature.)

  • -134 (This value has a dependency on the SFA feature.)

  • -135 (This value has a dependency on the SFA feature.)

  • -136 (This value has a dependency on the SFA feature.)

  • -137

  • -138 (This value has a dependency on the EXPENSEALLOCATION feature.)

  • -139 (This value has a dependency on the BILLINGCLASSES feature.)

  • -140 (This value has a dependency on the ADVBILLING feature.)

  • -1403

  • -1404

  • -141 (This value has a dependency on the ADVBILLING feature.)

  • -142 (This value has a dependency on the MARKETING feature.)

  • -143 (This value has a dependency on the MARKETING feature.)

  • -144 (This value has a dependency on the MARKETING feature.)

  • -145 (This value has a dependency on the MARKETING feature.)

  • -146 (This value has a dependency on the MARKETING feature.)

  • -147

  • -148 (This value has a dependency on the MARKETING feature.)

  • -149 (This value has a dependency on the MARKETING feature.)

  • -150 (This value has a dependency on the MARKETING feature.)

  • -1501

  • -1502 (This value has a dependency on the RULEBASEDRECOGNITIONTREATMENT feature.)

  • -1503 (This value has a dependency on the RULEBASEDRECOGNITIONTREATMENT feature.)

  • -1504

  • -151 (This value has a dependency on the SUPPORT feature.)

  • -152 (This value has a dependency on the SUPPORT feature.)

  • -153 (This value has a dependency on the SUPPORT feature.)

  • -154 (This value has a dependency on the SUPPORT feature.)

  • -155

  • -1553 (This value has a dependency on the FXRATETYPE feature.)

  • -156

  • -157 (This value has a dependency on the CRM feature.)

  • -158 (This value has a dependency on the CRM feature.)

  • -159

  • -160

  • -161

  • -162 (This value has a dependency on the SFA feature.)

  • -163 (This value has a dependency on the SUPPORT feature.)

  • -164 (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • -165

  • -166

  • -167

  • -168

  • -169

  • -170

  • -171

  • -172 (This value has a dependency on the PAYROLL feature.)

  • -173 (This value has a dependency on the ISSUEDB feature.)

  • -174 (This value has a dependency on the ISSUEDB feature.)

  • -175 (This value has a dependency on the ISSUEDB feature.)

  • -176 (This value has a dependency on the ISSUEDB feature.)

  • -177 (This value has a dependency on the JOBS feature.)

  • -178

  • -179

  • -180

  • -181

  • -182 (This value has a dependency on the CRM feature.)

  • -183

  • -184 (This value has a dependency on the INVENTORY feature.)

  • -185 (This value has a dependency on the WEBSITE feature.)

  • -186 (This value has a dependency on the MULTPRICE feature.)

  • -187 (This value has a dependency on the QUANTITYPRICING feature.)

  • -188

  • -189 (This value has a dependency on the REVENUERECOGNITION feature.)

  • -190 (This value has a dependency on the ADVFORECASTING feature.)

  • -191 (This value has a dependency on the TEAMSELLING feature.)

  • -192 (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • -193 (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • -194 (This value has a dependency on the WEBSITE feature.)

  • -195

  • -196

  • -197 (This value has a dependency on the MARKETING feature.)

  • -198

  • -199

  • -2

  • -20 (This value has a dependency on the CRM feature.)

  • -200 (This value has a dependency on the GCO feature.)

  • -201 (This value has a dependency on the UNITSOFMEASURE feature.)

  • -202

  • -203 (This value has a dependency on the SFA feature.)

  • -204 (This value has a dependency on the SOFTDESCRIPTORS feature.)

  • -205 (This value has a dependency on the QUANTITYPRICING feature.)

  • -206 (This value has a dependency on the QUANTITYPRICING feature.)

  • -207 (This value has a dependency on the GROSSPROFIT feature.)

  • -208 (This value has a dependency on the REVRECVSOE feature.)

  • -209 (This value has a dependency on the REVRECVSOE feature.)

  • -21 (This value has a dependency on the CRM feature.)

  • -210 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDSITECUST feature.)

  • -211 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDJOBS feature.)

  • -212 (This value has a dependency on the COMMISSIONS feature.)

  • -213

  • -214

  • -215

  • -216 (This value has a dependency on the REVENUERECOGNITION feature.)

  • -217 (This value has a dependency on the REVENUERECOGNITION feature.)

  • -218

  • -219

  • -22 (This value has a dependency on the CRM feature.)

  • -220

  • -221 (This value has a dependency on the UNITSOFMEASURE feature.)

  • -222

  • -223

  • -224 (This value has a dependency on the MULTILANGUAGE feature.)

  • -225 (This value has a dependency on the ADVTAXENGINE feature.)

  • -226 (This value has a dependency on the MARKETING feature.)

  • -227 (This value has a dependency on the MARKETING feature.)

  • -228 (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • -229 (This value has a dependency on the MARKETING feature.)

  • -23 (This value has a dependency on the SUPPORT feature.)

  • -230

  • -231 (This value has a dependency on the REVENUERECOGNITION feature.)

  • -232 (This value has a dependency on the AMORTIZATION feature.)

  • -233 (This value has a dependency on the PROMOCODES feature.)

  • -234 (This value has a dependency on the ADVBILLING feature.)

  • -235 (This value has a dependency on the WORKFLOW feature.)

  • -236 (This value has a dependency on the WORKFLOW feature.)

  • -237 (This value has a dependency on the MULTICURRENCY feature.)

  • -238

  • -239 (This value has a dependency on the ADVTAXENGINE feature.)

  • -24 (This value has a dependency on the MARKETING feature.)

  • -240 (This value has a dependency on the SUBSIDIARIES feature.)

  • -241 (This value has a dependency on the SUBSIDIARIES feature.)

  • -242 (This value has a dependency on the BINMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -243

  • -244 (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • -245 (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • -246 (This value has a dependency on the MRPORDEMANDPLAN feature.)

  • -247 (This value has a dependency on the ITEMDEMANDPLANNING feature.)

  • -248 (This value has a dependency on the STANDARDCOSTING feature.)

  • -249 (This value has a dependency on the STANDARDCOSTING feature.)

  • -25 (This value has a dependency on the KNOWLEDGEBASE feature.)

  • -250 (This value has a dependency on the COACLASSIFICATIONMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -251 (This value has a dependency on the COACLASSIFICATIONMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -252 (This value has a dependency on the MULTIBOOKV2 feature.)

  • -253 (This value has a dependency on the MULTIBOOK feature.)

  • -256 (This value has a dependency on the TIMETRACKING feature.)

  • -257 (This value has a dependency on the MULTIBOOKV2 feature.)

  • -258 (This value has a dependency on the MULTIBOOKV2 feature.)

  • -259 (This value has a dependency on the MULTIBOOKV2 feature.)

  • -26 (This value has a dependency on the ISSUEDB feature.)

  • -261 (This value has a dependency on the SUBSIDIARIES feature.)

  • -262 (This value has a dependency on the MULTIPLECALENDARS feature.)

  • -263 (This value has a dependency on the REVRECVSOE feature.)

  • -264 (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTINGPERIODS feature.)

  • -265

  • -266 (This value has a dependency on the NUMBEREDINVENTORY feature.)

  • -268 (This value has a dependency on the MULTISITE feature.)

  • -269

  • -27 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDJOBS feature.)

  • -270 (This value has a dependency on the COMMISSIONS feature.)

  • -271 (This value has a dependency on the COMMISSIONS feature.)

  • -276 (This value has a dependency on the CHARGEBASEDBILLING feature.)

  • -278 (This value has a dependency on the RESOURCEALLOCATIONS feature.)

  • -28 (This value has a dependency on the RESOURCEALLOCATIONS feature.)

  • -280

  • -281

  • -282

  • -283 (This value has a dependency on the CHARGEBASEDBILLING feature.)

  • -284 (This value has a dependency on the CHARGEBASEDBILLING feature.)

  • -285 (This value has a dependency on the CHARGEBASEDBILLING feature.)

  • -286 (This value has a dependency on the CHARGEBASEDBILLING feature.)

  • -287 (This value has a dependency on the JOBCOSTING feature.)

  • -288 (This value has a dependency on the MFGROUTING feature.)

  • -289 (This value has a dependency on the ADDRESSCUSTOMIZATION feature.)

  • -290 (This value has a dependency on the CHARGEBASEDBILLING feature.)

  • -292 (This value has a dependency on the TIMESHEETRECORDANY feature.)

  • -293 (This value has a dependency on the CHARGEBASEDBILLING feature.)

  • -294 (This value has a dependency on the MFGROUTING feature.)

  • -295 (This value has a dependency on the TIMESHEETS feature.)

  • -296 (This value has a dependency on the CHARGEBASEDBILLING feature.)

  • -297 (This value has a dependency on the TIMESHEETS feature.)

  • -298 (This value has a dependency on the STANDARDCOSTING feature.)

  • -3 (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • -30

  • -301 (This value has a dependency on the RESOURCEALLOCATIONS feature.)

  • -302 (This value has a dependency on the GLAUDITNUMBERING feature.)

  • -304 (This value has a dependency on the PAYROLL feature.)

  • -309 (This value has a dependency on the SHIPPINGPARTNERS feature.)

  • -31

  • -310 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDJOBS feature.)

  • -311 (This value has a dependency on the PAYROLL feature.)

  • -314 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDREVENUERECOGNITION feature.)

  • -315 (This value has a dependency on the ADVREVRECORADVEXPMGMT feature.)

  • -316 (This value has a dependency on the SHIPPINGPARTNERS feature.)

  • -317 (This value has a dependency on the SHIPPINGPARTNERS feature.)

  • -319

  • -320 (This value has a dependency on the SUPPORT feature.)

  • -321 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDJOBS feature.)

  • -322

  • -324 (This value has a dependency on the PURCHASEORDERS feature.)

  • -325 (This value has a dependency on the DISTRIBUTIONRESOURCEPLANNING feature.)

  • -326 (This value has a dependency on the DISTRIBUTIONRESOURCEPLANNING feature.)

  • -327 (This value has a dependency on the DISTRIBUTIONRESOURCEPLANNING feature.)

  • -330 (This value has a dependency on the SUBSCRIPTIONBILLING feature.)

  • -331 (This value has a dependency on the ARMREVENUEALLOCATION feature.)

  • -332 (This value has a dependency on the ARMREVENUEALLOCATION feature.)

  • -333 (This value has a dependency on the BILLINGACCOUNTS feature.)

  • -335 (This value has a dependency on the ARMREVENUEALLOCATION feature.)

  • -336 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDREVENUERECOGNITION feature.)

  • -337 (This value has a dependency on the SUBSCRIPTIONBILLING feature.)

  • -338 (This value has a dependency on the SUBSCRIPTIONBILLING feature.)

  • -340 (This value has a dependency on the ARMREVENUEALLOCATION feature.)

  • -341 (This value has a dependency on the SUBSCRIPTIONBILLING feature.)

  • -342 (This value has a dependency on the SUBSCRIPTIONBILLING feature.)

  • -343 (This value has a dependency on the ADVREVRECORADVEXPMGMT feature.)

  • -344 (This value has a dependency on the SUBSCRIPTIONBILLING feature.)

  • -345 (This value has a dependency on the TERMINATIONREASONTRACKING feature.)

  • -346 (This value has a dependency on the CUSTOMTRANSACTIONS feature.)

  • -347 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDREVENUERECOGNITION feature.)

  • -348 (This value has a dependency on the ARMREVENUEALLOCATION feature.)

  • -349 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDREVENUERECOGNITION feature.)

  • -35 (This value has a dependency on the MFGROUTING feature.)

  • -350 (This value has a dependency on the POSITIONMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -353 (This value has a dependency on the AUTOLOCATIONASSIGNMENT feature.)

  • -355 (This value has a dependency on the JOBMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -356 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDGVMNTISSUEDIDTRACKING feature.)

  • -357 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDREVENUERECOGNITION feature.)

  • -359 (This value has a dependency on the SUBSCRIPTIONBILLING feature.)

  • -36 (This value has a dependency on the MFGROUTING feature.)

  • -360 (This value has a dependency on the SUBSCRIPTIONBILLING feature.)

  • -361 (This value has a dependency on the SUBSCRIPTIONBILLING feature.)

  • -362 (This value has a dependency on the SUBSCRIPTIONBILLING feature.)

  • -364 (This value has a dependency on the SUBSCRIPTIONBILLING feature.)

  • -365 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDREVENUERECOGNITION feature.)

  • -366 (This value has a dependency on the KUDOS feature.)

  • -367 (This value has a dependency on the KUDOS feature.)

  • -368 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDGVMNTISSUEDIDTRACKING feature.)

  • -369 (This value has a dependency on the GROUPAVERAGECOSTING feature.)

  • -37 (This value has a dependency on the PAYROLL feature.)

  • -371 (This value has a dependency on the LOCATIONS feature.)

  • -372 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDGVMNTISSUEDIDTRACKING feature.)

  • -373 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDGVMNTISSUEDIDTRACKING feature.)

  • -374 (This value has a dependency on the PERFORMANCEMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -375

  • -376 (This value has a dependency on the TIMEOFFMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -377 (This value has a dependency on the TIMEOFFMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -378 (This value has a dependency on the COMMERCECATEGORIES feature.)

  • -379 (This value has a dependency on the COMMERCECATEGORIES feature.)

  • -38 (This value has a dependency on the PAYROLL feature.)

  • -380 (This value has a dependency on the JOBMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -381 (This value has a dependency on the AUTOLOCATIONASSIGNMENT feature.)

  • -382 (This value has a dependency on the TIMEOFFMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -383 (This value has a dependency on the TIMEOFFMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -385 (This value has a dependency on the AUTOLOCATIONASSIGNMENT feature.)

  • -386 (This value has a dependency on the TIMEOFFMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -387 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDPRINTING feature.)

  • -388 (This value has a dependency on the JOBREQUISITION feature.)

  • -39 (This value has a dependency on the PAYROLL feature.)

  • -391 (This value has a dependency on the TIMEOFFMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -392 (This value has a dependency on the TIMEOFFMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -395 (This value has a dependency on the SUBSCRIPTIONBILLING feature.)

  • -396 (This value has a dependency on the MULTIPLEBUDGETS feature.)

  • -4

  • -40 (This value has a dependency on the PAYROLL feature.)

  • -400 (This value has a dependency on the ADVTAXENGINE feature.)

  • -4006

  • -4007

  • -4009 (This value has a dependency on the WMSSYSTEM feature.)

  • -4010 (This value has a dependency on the COMMERCESEARCHANALYTICS feature.)

  • -4011 (This value has a dependency on the INVOICEGROUP feature.)

  • -4012 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDNUMBERINGSEQUENCES feature.)

  • -4016 (This value has a dependency on the MATERIALREQUIREMENTSPLANNING feature.)

  • -402 (This value has a dependency on the TIMEOFFMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -4021 (This value has a dependency on the VARIABLE_PAY_TBRBCT feature.)

  • -4023 (This value has a dependency on the MATERIALREQUIREMENTSPLANNING feature.)

  • -4024 (This value has a dependency on the MATERIALREQUIREMENTSPLANNING feature.)

  • -4025 (This value has a dependency on the MATERIALREQUIREMENTSPLANNING feature.)

  • -4027 (This value has a dependency on the CCTRACKING feature.)

  • -4028 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDNUMBERINGSEQUENCES feature.)

  • -403 (This value has a dependency on the JOBREQUISITION feature.)

  • -4032 (This value has a dependency on the CCTRACKING feature.)

  • -4033 (This value has a dependency on the CCTRACKING feature.)

  • -4034 (This value has a dependency on the MATERIALREQUIREMENTSPLANNING feature.)

  • -4035 (This value has a dependency on the MATERIALREQUIREMENTSPLANNING feature.)

  • -4036 (This value has a dependency on the MATERIALREQUIREMENTSPLANNING feature.)

  • -404 (This value has a dependency on the JOBREQUISITION feature.)

  • -405 (This value has a dependency on the TIMEOFFMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -406 (This value has a dependency on the TIMEOFFMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -407 (This value has a dependency on the TIMEOFFMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -408

  • -409 (This value has a dependency on the LABORRULE_AND_CBBANDADVREVREC feature.)

  • -41 (This value has a dependency on the EFFECTIVEDATING feature.)

  • -410 (This value has a dependency on the CHARGEBASEDBILLINGANDADVREVREC feature.)

  • -4104 (This value has a dependency on the LABORCOSTING feature.)

  • -4105 (This value has a dependency on the LABORCOSTING feature.)

  • -4106

  • -4108 (This value has a dependency on the LABORCOSTING feature.)

  • -4109 (This value has a dependency on the LABORCOSTING feature.)

  • -411 (This value has a dependency on the CHARGEBASEDBILLINGANDADVREVREC feature.)

  • -4110 (This value has a dependency on the MATERIALREQUIREMENTSPLANNING feature.)

  • -4114 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDNUMBERINGSEQUENCES feature.)

  • -4115 (This value has a dependency on the LABORCOSTING feature.)

  • -4116 (This value has a dependency on the OVERTIME feature.)

  • -4117 (This value has a dependency on the SFA feature.)

  • -4118 (This value has a dependency on the MATERIALREQUIREMENTSPLANNING feature.)

  • -412 (This value has a dependency on the BILLINGRATECARDS feature.)

  • -413 (This value has a dependency on the TIMEOFFMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -414 (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • -417

  • -418

  • -419 (This value has a dependency on the CHARGEBASEDBILLINGANDADVREVREC feature.)

  • -420 (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • -422 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDBILLOFMATERIALS feature.)

  • -423 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDBILLOFMATERIALS feature.)

  • -425 (This value has a dependency on the WORKORDERS feature.)

  • -426 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDSITEMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -427 (This value has a dependency on the INBOUNDSHIPMENT feature.)

  • -428 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDSITEMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -430 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDSITEMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -431 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDSITEMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -432 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDSITEMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -434

  • -435

  • -436

  • -437 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDSITEMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -438

  • -440 (This value has a dependency on the FULFILLMENTREQUEST feature.)

  • -441 (This value has a dependency on the FULFILLMENTREQUEST feature.)

  • -450 (This value has a dependency on the MERCHANDISEHIERARCHY feature.)

  • -451 (This value has a dependency on the MERCHANDISEHIERARCHY feature.)

  • -452 (This value has a dependency on the MERCHANDISEHIERARCHY feature.)

  • -460 (This value has a dependency on the INVENTORY feature.)

  • -461 (This value has a dependency on the INVENTORY feature.)

  • -465

  • -466

  • -494 (This value has a dependency on the EFFECTIVEDATING feature.)

  • -495 (This value has a dependency on the EMPLOYEECHANGEREQUESTS feature.)

  • -496 (This value has a dependency on the EMPLOYEECHANGEREQUESTS feature.)

  • -497 (This value has a dependency on the EMPLOYEECHANGEREQUESTS feature.)

  • -5 (This value has a dependency on the CRM feature.)

  • -500 (This value has a dependency on the SALESCHANNELALLOCATION feature.)

  • -505 (This value has a dependency on the INVENTORYSTATUS feature.)

  • -506 (This value has a dependency on the MULTILOCINVT feature.)

  • -507 (This value has a dependency on the SUBSCRIPTIONBILLING feature.)

  • -508 (This value has a dependency on the SUBSCRIPTIONBILLING feature.)

  • -5139 (This value has a dependency on the BILLCAPTURE feature.)

  • -514 (This value has a dependency on the GAINLOSSACCTMAPPING feature.)

  • -5140 (This value has a dependency on the BILLCAPTURE feature.)

  • -517 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDJOBS feature.)

  • -520 (This value has a dependency on the WMSSYSTEM feature.)

  • -522 (This value has a dependency on the SUPPLYCHAINCONTROLTOWER feature.)

  • -523 (This value has a dependency on the TERMINATIONREASONTRACKING feature.)

  • -524 (This value has a dependency on the TERMINATIONREASONTRACKING feature.)

  • -528

  • -530 (This value has a dependency on the WMSSYSTEM feature.)

  • -531 (This value has a dependency on the WMSSYSTEM feature.)

  • -532

  • -533 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDJOBS feature.)

  • -535 (This value has a dependency on the CCTRACKING feature.)

  • -537 (This value has a dependency on the CCTRACKING feature.)

  • -538 (This value has a dependency on the CCTRACKING feature.)

  • -539 (This value has a dependency on the CCTRACKING feature.)

  • -540 (This value has a dependency on the CCTRACKING feature.)

  • -543 (This value has a dependency on the GLAUDITNUMBERING feature.)

  • -544 (This value has a dependency on the CUSTOMGLLINES feature.)

  • -546 (This value has a dependency on the MULTISUBSIDIARYCUSTOMER feature.)

  • -547 (This value has a dependency on the SUPPLYALLOCATION feature.)

  • -548

  • -549 (This value has a dependency on the SUBSIDIARIES feature.)

  • -550 (This value has a dependency on the CROSSSUBSIDIARYFULFILLMENT feature.)

  • -551 (This value has a dependency on the SUBSIDIARIES feature.)

  • -553

  • -554

  • -555

  • -556

  • -560 (This value has a dependency on the PAYROLL feature.)

  • -561 (This value has a dependency on the RESOURCEPLANNINGOVERHAUL feature.)

  • -565 (This value has a dependency on the INVOICEGROUP feature.)

  • -571 (This value has a dependency on the OVERTIME feature.)

  • -573 (This value has a dependency on the PAYROLL feature.)

  • -574 (This value has a dependency on the PROJECTICCROSSCHARGEREQUEST feature.)

  • -6

  • -696 (This value has a dependency on the TRANSACTIONACCOUNTINGRULES feature.)

  • -7 (This value has a dependency on the JOBS feature.)

  • -710 (This value has a dependency on the CADATACOLLECTION feature.)

  • -711 (This value has a dependency on the CADATACOLLECTION feature.)

  • -712 (This value has a dependency on the CADATACOLLECTION feature.)

  • -714 (This value has a dependency on the CADATACOLLECTION feature.)

  • -715 (This value has a dependency on the CADATACOLLECTION feature.)

  • -716 (This value has a dependency on the CADATACOLLECTION feature.)

  • -717 (This value has a dependency on the CADATACOLLECTION feature.)

  • -718 (This value has a dependency on the CADATACOLLECTION feature.)

  • -719 (This value has a dependency on the CADATACOLLECTION feature.)

  • -720 (This value has a dependency on the CADATACOLLECTION feature.)

  • -728 (This value has a dependency on the WMSSYSTEM feature.)

  • -8

  • -861 (This value has a dependency on the SUITECOMMERCEENTERPRISE feature.)

  • -862 (This value has a dependency on the SUITECOMMERCEENTERPRISE feature.)

  • -863 (This value has a dependency on the WMSSYSTEM feature.)

  • -864 (This value has a dependency on the WMSSYSTEM feature.)

  • -865

  • -867 (This value has a dependency on the WMSSYSTEM feature.)

  • -868 (This value has a dependency on the COMMERCESEARCHBOOSTING feature.)

  • -869 (This value has a dependency on the COMMERCESEARCHBOOSTING feature.)

  • -876 (This value has a dependency on the ADHOCXCHARGEREQUEST feature.)

  • -896 (This value has a dependency on the PERFORMANCEMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -897 (This value has a dependency on the PERFORMANCEMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -898 (This value has a dependency on the PERFORMANCEMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -899 (This value has a dependency on the PERFORMANCEMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -9

  • -900 (This value has a dependency on the WBS feature.)

  • -901 (This value has a dependency on the SUPPLYCHAINCONTROLTOWER feature.)

  • -902 (This value has a dependency on the EXPREPORTS feature.)

  • -904 (This value has a dependency on the PERFORMANCEMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -905 (This value has a dependency on the WEEKLYTIMESHEETS feature.)

  • -906 (This value has a dependency on the PROJECTICCROSSCHARGEREQUEST feature.)

  • -907 (This value has a dependency on the WBS feature.)

  • -908 (This value has a dependency on the VARIABLE_PAY_TBRBCT feature.)

  • -910 (This value has a dependency on the PERFORMANCEMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -911 (This value has a dependency on the PERFORMANCEMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -913 (This value has a dependency on the EXPREPORTS feature.)

  • -914 (This value has a dependency on the EXPREPORTS feature.)

  • -970 (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDEMPLOYEEPERMISSIONS feature.)

  • -996 (This value has a dependency on the PERFORMANCEMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -997 (This value has a dependency on the PERFORMANCEMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -998 (This value has a dependency on the PERFORMANCEMANAGEMENT feature.)

  • -999 (This value has a dependency on the PERFORMANCEMANAGEMENT feature.)

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General Notices